arnoldchristopher Member


  • one good thing to remember is that all vegetables contain protein (some are better than others, of course). You won't be able to match the protein content of a grilled chicken breast, but you get some big benefits from eating a lot of vegetables: low caloric content/high fiber/vitamins/protein. Which makes meal planning…
  • As always, the truth between what I thought I was eating (both in size of meals and caloric content). Once I honestly tracked a few weeks, it was plainly (and painfully) obvious where my efforts at changing my lifestyle needed to be.
  • Actually, you do, with that first post introducing yourself. Changing your lifestyle, your habits... it's a marathon and not a sprint. So make today the first day in your change. Don't get too down on yourself on your bad days, celebrate your good ones. So why not start by telling us what your goals are - healthy lifestyle…