skyehighlifting Member


  • I know, once fall comes around I'll have more time and I am looking to get back into seeing a therapist. We had gotten to the point where I could recognize when I'm over eating and I've been practicing different methods to stop myself.
  • I was seeing a therapist for a while, but once summer came along I don't have the time to anymore. I do have a lot of people around me who help with it, but they're just friends
  • Well I've been lifting at home with the equipment I have. And I'm soon to be getting a gym membership. Something else that really affects all of this is that I have an eating disorder where I tend to binge one day then starve myself the next day. So I'm really hoping to develop a stable meal plan and pre cooking my meals…
  • I struggle with eating wayyyyy too much food then starving myself the next day (binging and purging?) And it's really hard to deal with, especially when I'm aspiring to become a body builder..
  • Please add me, I really really need motivation, encouragement, and all the help I can get...