My name is Allie. Long time mfp user. Would love to help anyone, I am on here multiple times daily. I am currently down almost 40 pounds since my start! Anyone feel free to add me, and thank you for coming up with such a wonderful opportunity (to the "poster". :)
Add me anyone! Im always commenting and liking!
Sent you a request! I myself am down 35lb now! Keep it up!
Sent you a request! add if youd like!
Sent you a request!
I too, am looking for more fitness buddies! with the current friend request glitch it wont let me accept but send me your name and ill send you the request! I hope they fix this error soon. Please, anyone let me add you, the more the merrier. If easier my email is just include your mfp name!
Add me too anyone! Im comming up short on friends and support! Love to add anyone back!
Not even sure what that is. Lol binary thought was number related. Either way, EVERYONE here is supportive regardless of sexual preferences, self identity, etc. We all hope you do well and hit your goal weight!
Ive been paying for Daily Burn so ive been mixing it up. A lot of abs and elliptical, since i have one in my home. U? :)
Thank all you guys for the adds and support! Itsbeen a,ton if help, down over 20 pounds! Anyone who likes can add me as wrll!
New Jersey, USA you?
Nj here. About 30 mins from Manhatton
Anyone want a fitness buddy or someone to talk to, add or message me. Im New n need friends!
Count me in! Would love to lose 50 pounds. Don't know if I can, but will try! Need support/fitness buddy! Message me. I'm New so I don't have anyone in here yet. :/
Add me! I'm New n need a fitness buddy too!