catstratch Member


  • This maybe a lack of planning. Instead of counting calories on your feet, try to have daily meal plan, or some snacks/breakfast/lunch/dinner options that you can choose and rotate throughout the week. e.g. if I can eat 1600 a day, I'll have 400 breakfast, 400 lunch, 400 dinner and 400 for snacks/drinks. Then try to find…
  • Unless it's more than 1hr cardio, I don't eat back since my intake is quite high as is.
  • Up your intake to at least 1600 for at least 2 weeks. Any initial weight gain is only food and water weight, which you will lose when your body stabilizes at the new intake. You WON'T GAIN any REAL weight. 1400 is not enough for you at all. I'm also 55kg and 5'5 (so shorter than you) and I'm maintaining at 2000-2200 a day.
  • OP, all the points that synacious made above is very good and you should look over them. Live and learn! On another point, if your diet and exercise make you this frustrating and miserable, it is not sustainable. You are overloading yourself. I'd suggest FIRST- try to stick to your diet, logging accurately and consistently…
  • Now when I'm bored or stressed, I go out for a walk/run outside. All the fun and no guilt afterwards! Also, I think exercise reduces my appetite, not increase it like they said in the video.
  • Anybody who counts calories would know that. Burns 200 kcal on a 30' jog, that is barely my snack. But it gets me out of the house, makes me happy so I don't emotional eat. And it makes me feel healthy so I'm less likely to go drinking, or eat unhealthy.
  • Jumping rope. Or any sports. They are more fun and you forgot you are exercising :P.
  • Have meals with enough calories and fat+protein+carb to get you through 4-5 hours. Have them at a set time everyday. At first it was hard for me because my body is used to snacking but after a few months my stomach rumbles at the set mealtime like clockwork.
  • I don't know if you already have your cheat meal/day. If you do, don't sweat it but maybe this will be helpful to you next time around :) The weight loss process is long and you cannot escape those food forever! Don't feel guilty that you want to eat them. You can check the calorie count of the food you want and eat it…
  • When you eat too little, your body thinks it is going through a famine so it will reserve body fat (to survive). You will still lose weight (calories in calories out duh), but a lot will come from your muscle. And muscle mass raises your metabolism. You should eat more with your amount of exercise. Not only because of…
  • Why do you need to cheat?
  • Sorry for the confusion I'm not trying to lose weight at all! But there is a phenomenon with my family members in which they gain a lot of weight in the 20s. So I'm trying to be conscious of what I put in my body to make sure that doesn't happen! Prevention is the best medicine :)
  • That is very helpful! I will continue to track my food while eating normally for about 2-3 weeks to see if I need to increase/decrease the count for maintenance. We don't have accessible healthcare where I live so I try to gather info to the best of my ability. Thank you!
  • Adding some protein would help. Either 1. stir in egg white or plain yogurt with your porridge or 2. have a boiled egg or plain yogurt with frozen berries for a mid-morning snack. But since you are a volume eater, you can try 3. have a fruit, apple/banana/orange. They have a lot of fiber which should keep you full until…
  • Hi OP, I have a sweet tooth myself. Don't sweat off something you like completely, learn to live in peace with it! What has worked for me were: 1. Take a 3 to 7-day break from it. This is to reset your palette. Afterward you might find that what you used to enjoy is wayyyyy too sweet, which comes to my next point 2. Learn…