LillyAngelMarie Member


  • Hello ladies! My name is Lilly and I'm 24, and I only got diagnosed a few months ago in March. I've had problems since my periods started when I was 10 but I was told I was making the pain up. Long story short I had an emergency appendectomy in 2008 but it turns out my appendix was fine and I had a really bad infection in…
  • The struggle is real lol That's amazing news! I've fallen off the wagon a little bit but I'm keen to start up properly again ☺ I'm at that point where I haven't lost or put on weight but if I continue doing what I'm doing I'll start packing weight back on fast again lol
  • Whoa that's insane!! Congratulations :smiley: I'm roughly 190lbs too! If I could get to 171lbs I'd be over the moon :smile: My husband and I have been ttc for 13 months now. I was diagnosed in March and since then I've been doing everything I can to lose weight and get my hormones right so we can conceive :smile:
  • Thank you so much for commenting, I've sent you a request! :smiley: I swear for every step forward we end up taking 2 steps back sometimes. It sucks :frowning:
  • Thank you so much! I hadn't even thought to check out the groups aha x