


  • GwendolynAlane
    GwendolynAlane Posts: 2 Member
    It is so inspirational to hear everyone's stories! I know that PCOS is common but I don't know of anyone who struggles with similar issues I do. :) I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17, I asked my mom if it was normal that I only had 3-4 periods since I was 12. I wasn't a skinny teen either! I was able to loose a lot of weight when I was 17-19 and get down to a size 6/8 by severe calorie restricting. I allowed myself to eat family meals but I "had" to eat half of what everyone else was eating and meals I ate alone "had" to fit on a soup spoon. I didn't realize how destructive that way of eating was but one of the positive side effects was the side effects of PCOS left. I had regular periods, less bloating and energy. Then I started college and wanted to be in the medical field, which was very difficult for me so I studied A LOT and my eating swung to stress bingeing and I gained all of the weight back and more. Now that I am graduated I want to recover a healthy weight by healthy lifestyle changes slowly over time to help get my hormones a little more balanced. I have gone a year without a period and have very little energy and motivation and seem to be in the cycle of chasing carbs/sugar crashes. I am a positive person and PCOS may bring me down, but it will not win! :)
  • dawnmurphphoto
    dawnmurphphoto Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi all, I'm Dawn Murph, 40, childless due to infertility and a struggling health nut! I was diagnosed with PCOS 14 years ago and it's been a roller coaster ride since! My weight and depression fluctuate and have controlled me far too long! For the first time in a while, im solidly focused on my health, my weight and exercise! I'm learning how MFP makes this simple through food and exercise journaling! I need motivation on this journey! Who is with me?
  • MNazimiec
    MNazimiec Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is Mary Nazimiec, and I am 19 years old. I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 16, but I had the condition since I was 11 years old. I am really good at starting to lose weight, but then I get off track, whether it's school, work, or family pulling me in fifty million directions. I hope to gain a support from you all because I know you all know how it is with this condition and weight loss and maintaining a healthy balance of salads and the occasional brownie. ;-)

    I cannot wait!
  • delangie7
    delangie7 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Angela. I learned that I had PCOS in 2011. This diagnosis explained so much to me when it came to all of the symptoms I had been dealing with since a teen. I know that weight loss is the way to a healthier me and being healthy could possibly reverse the disease. I am looking forward to a lighter life. I been heavy all my life, but I never FELT it, I would only realize it when I looked in the mirror. Now that I have gotten older, I can feel the weight I carry, when I walk, sit and in my everyday functions. I am hoping I will develop lifelong habits that will keep me fit once I get there. I feel like having/giving support on this platform will help me to succeed! *smiles*
  • leahangelarnold
    leahangelarnold Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, My name is Leah. I'm 29 and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 22. I do have 2 children, but I have to jump through crazy hoops to get pregnant. I'm currently doing the ketogenic diet, which was suggested by another friend with PCOS and I love it! I joined MFP to help track my macros. I really want another child, so I'm wanting to get as close to my ideal weight so I can ovulate more frequently. Also, an interesting thing about having children, I no longer have cysts on my ovaries, but still have all of the other symptoms
  • Jilly4188
    Jilly4188 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello My name is Jillian. I'm 28 years old and I was diagnosed with PCOS this year but have had issues with my period/other PCOS symptoms since I was a teenager. I'm hoping to lose some weight and have a healthier lifestyle to try and battle some of the symptoms. I am overweight and would like to lose some weight so I can be healthier when my husband and I start trying for children (we think we would like to start trying next year). My doctor put me on Metformin, I just started taking it this week. Please feel free to add me! :)
  • jessihaynes
    jessihaynes Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! My name is Jessi and I'm a 22 year old nursing student. I have been struggling with PCOS symptoms for about 5 years but no doctor listened to me until this spring! I've also been diagnosed with DM2 and put on 1000mg of metformin to help me maintain a healthy blood sugar and try to help with some of the PCOS side effects! I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember and I'm really hoping to find some friends who are having the same struggles! Feel free to add me as a friend if you feel like it! All the best.
  • LillyAngelMarie
    LillyAngelMarie Posts: 6 Member
    Hello ladies! My name is Lilly and I'm 24, and I only got diagnosed a few months ago in March. I've had problems since my periods started when I was 10 but I was told I was making the pain up. Long story short I had an emergency appendectomy in 2008 but it turns out my appendix was fine and I had a really bad infection in my pelvis. My specialist thought I was lying about not being sexually active and was adamant I had an STD/STI. Went through years of laparoscopic investigations, medications, and pain relievers and nothing worked. My husband and I started ttc last year and when I started putting on heaps of weight after stopping birth control and got super hairy I went in for some tests to determine whether or not I had PCOS and they all came back positive. My new doctor also thinks I got the infection in my pelvis from a ruptured cyst that was left u treated for so long. Since eating low carb, dairy/sugar/gluten/soy free, and taking inositol/500mg Metformin/Spearmint Tea daily my hormones are all balanced now and I'm ovulating my myself more often than not
  • alliewaugh
    alliewaugh Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Ladies! My name is Allison and I am going to be 43 in November. I have three beautiful sons and wonderful hubby. I was diagnosed with PCOS three years ago, although like most, it is suspected it went undiagnosed for a number of years. Each of my pregnancies came with gestational diabetes and my last one came with hyper tension among other issues. After my last son was born, I was not able to shed weight. Fast forward a few years and all of a sudden the hair on my head started falling out and the hair on my face started growing in thicker and faster. Within two years I put on 60lbs. I started having small bouts of anxiety and depression, which is so unlike me. So, here I am trying to get my hormones balanced out and shed this weight (I was already over-weight before the weight gain surge). I am going low carb, grain free, dairy and sugar free as I find it is the most recommended to help PCOS. I have been successful with low carb in the past, but cutting dairy will be difficult. :) Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like and I wish you all much success in your journey.
  • onparity
    onparity Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! My name is Cath and I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2015 although I've suspected it for a while. Managed to lose about 10kg last year but have put it on (and more) in a very short space of time - 3 months. Very disheartening to have it happen so quickly - I was very happy at my old weight and now my clothes don't even fit me.

    I've recently been put onto metformin (approx. 1 month) - has anyone in this group had any success stories weight-wise with met? Would love to hear from you!
  • jagodfrey08
    jagodfrey08 Posts: 425 Member
    Hello. I am Ashley. I am 35 years old and was just diagnosed with PCOS in 2016. I have lost 40+ lbs to try and get my insulin resistance and other symptoms under control, but it hasn't really done anything. At least I feel better with my image.

    My doc just put me on spironolactone and Loestrin FE for cystic acne and hair loss. We are talking about the possibility of trying metformin if my A1C and glucose numbers don't come down soon.
  • NisaB
    NisaB Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am 30 years old. Have been "diagnosed" for a long time with PCOS. They told me, but no one really knew what to do with me. I am married to an amazing man and we have three cats, a chinchilla, and soon to own two new rat babies (think im compensating for something? ;))
    I have stereotypical symptoms. Fat, Acne, Blood Glucose, Thyroid, Hair...blah blah blah.

    Losing weight helped a lot. So I am back on the journey. I originally started losing to get pregnant- now I want to lose to be a better me (no babies). lol.

    I take a ton of meds- metformin, jardiance, victoza, birth control...uhhhh oh...levothyroxine. The list goes on and on. I truly believe I can come off of some of that crap if I just get motivated again. I LOVE that you are all joining forces and we have a space to discuss our struggles, and successes. :)

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!!! Feel free to add me. I'm just getting back at it, so motivation is always helpful.
  • 1991lexi
    1991lexi Posts: 24 Member
    Lexi here. First diagnosed at 14, now 11 years and I don't know how much heavier I've decided I'm taking my body back (or at least look after it a bit better?)
    I'm having quite a bit of luck so far with low gi.

    Would love for people to add me to share tips and motivate each other :)
  • kelseyannvere
    kelseyannvere Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Cysters! My name is Kelsey and I'm pretty sure I've had PCOS since I hit puberty. I was diagnosed in 2015. I've been trying to break my bad eating habits and get myself to the gym ever since. It's been a battle with my will power. But today I've decided I'm going to make a plan to reach my goals - no excuses. I'm cutting out sugar. I'm meal planning and prepping ahead of time. I'm building a fitness calendar and I'm keeping myself accountable. I thought I'd join this group in case there's any activity that might help me along the way. I'll be blogging about my successes and challenges along the way via my MyFitnessPal blog so feel free to follow me there and give me your tips and send me motivation! Good luck on your journey to good health!
  • mamajaime388
    mamajaime388 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm Jaime. I'm 39 and I was diagnosed with PCOS officially about 10 years ago but knew I had it long before then. My husband and I got married in 2003, and started trying for a baby in 2006. I don't ovulate or get my period on my own, basically at all. I'll get it if I take meds, but that's about it. We've done Clomid and IUI, next step would be IVF but I need to lose a bit of weight for that. I started the keto diet about 5 weeks ago and am down almost 17 pounds. And even better than that, 4 weeks to the day from starting keto I got me period naturally for the first time in years! Starting to think we may still have a chance.

    I'd love some friends who understand what it's like, and can help keep me motivated. Feel free to add me!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • bingo_007
    bingo_007 Posts: 101 Member
    Feel free to add me. just going through the first cycle of ivf n I have pcos too. I am on maintenance though but might still be able to help ☺