snyderadam Member


  • I've been recovering from a strained levator scapulae for 2 years now. What ever you do, don't sit on it and do nothing. See a physical therapist if still persists. Then stretching/strengthening following. If you want tips, let me know.
  • Although I don't have a medical issue, I usually source lower glycemic carbohydrates by a fiber requirement. I eat carbs at or below a 10:1 ratio of carbs to fiber (so if I had 40g of carbs, it would need at least 4g of fiber). I use sources like barley, bulgar, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta, etc.
  • I forgot the fruits, I like: pears, apples, oranges, and (if you splurge on price) blueberries.
  • I hear your main concern is you're HUNGRY. So long as you are getting proper nutrition, I agree with adding more vegetables in your diet like you said, and other carbohydrates higher in fiber. I aim for a 5:1 carb to fiber ratio throughout the day (original goal was to decrease insulin sensitivity), so if I have 100g of…