KarenEH162 Member


  • I love that you all are joining me in walking. I can no longer run. My running days are over. After 2 knee sugury's in each in each knee in college after running 6 miles a day and teaching Aerobic Dance, I can't do it anymore. I did try to jog a couple of weeks ago and I paid for it!!! LOL I could hardly walk the rest of…
  • There is no such thing as spot reducing. I agree with what others are saying here. You need to tone all over. You must be in a deficit. Water retention is a big problem for me but I am on meds that cause this so I have a double problem there. I drink a gallon of H2O everyday. That seems to help with the retention. Try it.…
  • I had know idea that should weigh my solids too. I thought that I should just measure them. It really makes that much of a difference? I am sorry. I ve been at this for 35 days put only the premium upgrade since the 3rd of August. I have been doing alot of research and Macronutrients is the way to go. Thanks I will…
  • I started pre-logging a few days ago so I wouldn't go over. It's really a big help. It's little time consuming but well worth it, leaves out the time during the next day. I love fruit as well. By the way something fun that you may already know, I freeze my grapes. Yummmy!!! It's like eating a sorbet. I love it. Try it.…
  • I can't run anymore due to knee problems in college. I walk 6 days a week and have lost a lot of weight. I really have noticed it in my clothes fitting better and the bloating is gone. I walk about 3.0 or a little faster to up beat music on Pandora and that really helps. I love walking. I do it at at 6:30am every morning…
  • Apples I thought according to the Database are about 80 calories? whats up. I will start logging them in at 130 to be safe.l My quick calories are things I make and account for each and little item and then I total it up. I'll stop doing that. I trying to be as restrictive as I can. I am seeing a RD at a local hospital to…
  • I am sad to say that I have a degree in the field but am a little rusty. My education has kind of taken a back burner. Thanks for reminding me of the obvious. I thought I was logging really close. I am walking like crazy and doing over 10000 steps at one time which takes me about 75 minutes. My running days are over…
  • sorry about that, hit the enter key without finishing what I needed to say. I am stuck on the scale at 15 lbs and can't get passed it. I weigh and measure everything. I am consistent about my calories, protein and the other stuff. I do a pretty good job about staying away from the junk too. I walk 6 days a week for about…
  • Hello, I started out in having 100 lbs to loose. Iam down 15 lbs in 29 days. I weigh and measure everything that goes into my mouth. It really works. I walk 1-1:30 hours every morning about 5-6 miles depending on my speed. Love to be your friend and help each other on this journey. Have a great day. Talk soon
  • I walk every morning around 6am for 1-1:30 about 4-6 miles. Jump starts the day and burns a lot of calories too. Eat something high in protien before I go so I'm not hungry take my water and music with me and time flies by real fast. It's like a natural antidepressant. Try it out, it's great!!