purplemoonpie Member


  • @BigTandthesquatters I feel your pain about no one commenting on your weight loss. I've dealt with this many times. Once I lost 30 lbs and got pretty shredded, I saw a good friend from college and she looked me up and down but said nothing. Generally most people will not say anything. I agree with BZAH10 , it can be a…
  • I do not talk about it. My friends and co-workers do not understand. I do it in silence and politely pass up on the junk food that is offered on a daily basis. I'll just hear comments like "you don't need to lose weight"..."you're beautiful like you are"...."you're crazy for eating cottage cheese...GROSS!" . One lady even…
  • here in NC it is miserably hot and humid. I work at 7 am which makes it difficult to workout before. I have tried running in the mornings with a headlamp but I live in the city - and it's not so safe to be running around in the dark at 5 AM. When I get off at 4 pm, it is wretched hot. I tried running in the heat one day at…
  • I have gained and lost 30 lbs TWICE - this will be my third go (down 15, 15 to lose). Different factors like depression, relationships (good and bad) led me to abandon my fitness goals and nutrition. It can be frustrating to say the least to have to start back over. I know when I'm fit I am much happier. When I'm chubby,…
  • I did not have a scale for months and only knew i was losing weight by some old clothes that started to fit again! Once I did go out a buy a scale - I weigh myself everyday (despite me knowing I shouldn't) and I become discouraged by the changing numbers.
  • I keep nothing in the house that is bad. Also, I keep nothing in the house that allows me to over-indulge and go over the correct portion. My sugar cravings were horrendous at first but now my body is accustomed to not having it and so I no longer crave chocolate. I keep watermelon cut up for a sweet snack.
  • ASICS all the way. I used to wear Nike but once I found asics I never went back . Lightweight, good support, durable, and feels good on my wide foot.
  • A lot of my friends are "naturally slim" and were accustomed to eating whatever they wanted and not working out. I have been chubby since childhood and have ALWAYS had to work at it. Now that we're hitting 30, some of the girls that are "naturally thin" are starting to see their metabolisms aren't so great anymore and are…
  • I live in NC and know what you're talking about. I go to work at 7 am - I tried running the other morning but it was SKETCHY dark.....not safe. When I get off work at 4 pm it is dangerous to run. I try to either wait till evening (which can be hard) or just do the treadmill or other indoor gym classes
  • welcome to the club sister. My friends pretty much only know how to socialize when booze is around. It's something I battle - I let myself have fun on the weekends but have had to maintain self control during the week . It is so hard but so worth it !
  • this sounds gross but I have SUPER thick hair and it's not good to wash it everyday...but I do workout 6 days a week. I will workout with a bun but then dry out the sweat with a hair dryer on the cool setting and wash it once every 3 days, and just take a bath when I don't wash it. I use the "PSSST" Dry shampoo for in…
  • I used to weigh myself obsessively during weight loss...I'm talking like 2 times a day...I would get SO frustrated and discouraged by the changing numbers. My scale died and I kept forgetting to get a new one....about two months later I finally bought one and was shocked at the weight I had lost....so for me, it's best to…
  • Yes and have for about a year . except when I wear dresses. I spilled a cup of coffee in my underwear drawer and my boyfriend at the time thought it would be sweet to wash them....he put every pair I owned in the washer together and they tangled up in this huge ball......I was lazy and never untangled them and am now just…
  • drivers mostly - My city was ranked like 3 out of 10 cities for worst drivers and it's true. When a light turns green, if your foot isn't on the gas pedal within .5 seconds the car behind you is honking and going wild. You can go 15 over the speed limit but someone is still going to ride your butt. If you leave enough room…
  • Hey girl! I am 30 years old and so far have lost 15 lbs, and have 15 to go . This will be my third time losing 30 lbs, I have let breakups and bad events in life depress me and I gain weight. I just moved out of my ex's house in May but instead of getting depressed about it I decided to let it motivate me to become a…
  • I have lost and gained 30 lbs twice now...this will be my third time(15 down, 15 to go). You do feel tired, cranky and sluggish at first...but keep at it and you will start to feel amazing again. Different factors in life have contributed to regaining my weight (depression, breakup, etc.). Both times it crept up on me so…
  • It's only been two weeks, don't get discouraged. Maybe also don't weigh yourself every day but instead once a week, at the same time. I used to weigh myself obsessively and get discouraged by the changing numbers. It will take a while before you notice results. I am no stranger to the weight loss game - believe me, you…
  • often I'll feel cute and take a selfie.....and then think, nevermind.
  • I eat a low calorie Popsicles or sugar free 10 cal jello cup and a dollop of whip cream. For me though, it is VERY HARD to control my portions - if i have a box of cookies in the house, I will eat the whole box. I'm not even a huge fan of keeping the popsicles around b/c I could lose control and eat the whole box. It's…
  • I keep a photo of myself at my chubbiest on my fridge. I used to keep photos of models on the fridge but nothing was more motivating than seeing the heavy me. I have worked SO HARD to get where I'm at - and I ask myself, "Is this worth it? Is this cupcake worth trying to run to burn off all the fat and calories?" Believe…