ck2307 Member


  • I’ve been vegan for about the same amount of time and have experienced the same comments about my protein intake from others. Fortunately, I eat a lot of the sources listed above and haven’t had a problem getting my protein. But when I’m working out and I want a little extra, I’m a big fan of Orgain’s vegan protein. It’s…
  • I think that a Whole Foods Plant-Based “diet” is one of the most effective because it lends itself to more sustainable habits. Portion sizes are often larger and more filling due to the lower calorie foods and higher fiber intake. It’s also zero cholesterol. It has worked well for me thus far. It’s easier for WFBP to…
  • Yeah Halo top is really hit or miss. The new non dairy toasted coconut is objectively the best. It’s one of the few that doesn’t taste like a low cal/diet dessert at all and I highly recommend you give it a try before completely giving up!
  • I hadn’t been losing for a while. I was happy maintaining where I was at. But when I was losing, yes, I was losing very fast (which in hindsight I wouldn’t do again). I moved back with my family for the summer (from university). I’ve been working long hours, without much sleep, at a few jobs where I’m surrounded by and…
  • One year, two months pleased to meet you!
  • I've been a vegetarian for nine years and went vegan about a year and two months ago. It's much easier than people seem to think that it is. I find that after a few weeks of abstaining from animal products, the cravings begin to subside and eventually, for me at least, disappear altogether. The casin in dairy products is…
  • I really like making spaghetti squash with a vegetable marinara sauce (give or take a few vegan meatballs)! It's much healthier than spaghetti and far fewer calories if weight loss is the goal. It takes a bit of time to make, but if you prep the squash beforehand it can be quick. I also make a lot of quesadillas with Maria…
  • At 5 feet and change, 95 pounds is definitely on the low side, but within a healthy bmi range. I understand that those who are active on this site mean well, but it is extremely harmful to receive backlash every time that I mention my weight on the community forums here. It makes it very clear that I am not welcome. Even…
  • By that I meant when the body is presented with an excess that it is not accustomed to dealing with- not the overconsumption of calories overtime, if that makes any difference.
  • Thanks for the responses. Just an update: I upped my protein intake (I'm estimating that I doubled but I wasn't very careful about keeping track before) and have lost a little over three pounds since this post. Also feeling great and my appetite has returned- keeping track of macros and knowing how much you need is really…
  • Thanks! I'm planning on upping my calories I'm just worried about gaining fat if my metabolism has truly slowed. I'll definitely try to incorporate weights more often and see if that makes a difference.
  • Don't worry- not condescending in the slightest but I'm definitely consuming far fewer calories
  • You're 100% right but I should have mentioned that my potion sizes decreased significantly as well and I figured that that combined with replacing grains and dairy with smaller amounts of lower cal foods would definitely mean fewer calories. Usually when I use a BMR calculators online I get around 1350 and have heard that…
  • I haven't lost weight in weeks despite my high levels of activity and low caloric intake. I've never eaten so few calories and maintained my weight before. When I was taking birth control I was eating a ton- around 2000 calories a day with the same lifestyle and exercise habits and I weighed the same as my CW. I also know…