LisaDawn15 Member


  • How's everyone doing today? I'm feeling better and able to breathe now but still have today to go before allowed all my activity back. I had a reaction to medication that caused fluid overload and caused difficulty breathing. So 8 pounds peed off and I can at least breathe. Still going though so we will see what tomorrow's…
  • I'm 52 and hubs is 54, we are doing it together as well! One thing my mom does is take time one day a week and measures out portions of dry foods like cereals for herself and my stepfather. She also measures out her ice cream she has nightly, into little plastic freezer containers that only hold a 1/2c which is the usual…
  • I'm 52 as well and needing to lose close to that amount. 14 years ago I was 250, lost weight to 148. It took several years to do it right. Now my job has changed, I'm a desk jockey instead of a floor nurse and I've put on 50 pounds. I'm type 2 diabetic, with poor blood sugar control, and chronic pain that limits my…
  • Looking for the same thing! Feel free to add me.
  • I totally understand your post! I'm a type 2 diabetic with chronic pain too. The best exercise I have found is in a pool. Less stress on your back and joints. If possible try the local Y. Look into pool physical therapy through your doctor. I was in the ER yesterday for shortness of breath which luckily turned out being a…