dahlia_coenen Member


  • As others have said, it's absolutely possible...at first. Some important things to note: You may (and likely will) lose muscle this way, and not just fat. Your body has a set point (a weight it feels comfortable at) which is higher if you've been bigger for any period of time. At some point, your body increases cravings…
  • YES! Stick to the 1200 regardless of exercise. However, if you feel like you need more nutrition, fat, protein, etc., then eat up to the calories you burned extra (for that day only). The calories burned are an estimate...meaning they are not very accurate. I have only ever maintained while consuming 1200 + exercise…
  • No need to start over. 1&2) I haven't found any success with deprivation, cumulative calorie deficits, cheat days, etc. It just leads to binge eating or overeating. 3) Sometimes I'll go for a big hike on the weekend if I have been drinking with friends a lot or I know I will be. I never regret it...even with a hangover.…
  • The "fastest" way to lose weight will result in binging, and long term weight gain (yo-yo dieting). Use the app, set your activity level to sedentary/least active, accurately count calories, stick to your daily calorie goals, but vary by going over a few hundred calories one day and under a few hundred calories the next…