BHFF Member


  • Dude please. We all know caffeine is an addictive like drug I'm done with this conversation with you
  • Regardless of what other people might tell you you truly end up losing the majority of your gains. Some people say you lose all of them that is a fallacy. If you continue to hit the gym with the same intensity that you did while on a cycle and you continue a healthy diet and do your PCT you can maintain some gains yes.
  • You Chose one study, I'm sure there are hundreds of studies, you specifically chose one that fits your argument. Within that study there is no information showing diet. That is a big problem for me considering diet has more of a factor on body composition than working out does
  • I just did! I specifically said caffeine. It is the worst ingredients, it is known to be addictive. It is an addictive drug similar to that of nicotine. That alone is an issue for me. And should be for anyone. People become addicted to caffeine I need more and more of it to get the same results they did when they started.…
  • If you have never been on steroids before that I don't want to hear your opinion. There is no such thing as a miracle drug. There are so many variables within the study you showed. What were their diets like the non steroid users the steroid users the exercisers the none exercisers? It doesn't say.
  • Are you guys talking about "steroid usage" you can say it you know lol [/quote] I would say camera angle.. some veins yes.....i will check out your you tube channel at some point and reiterate[/quote] Sounds good!
  • I think you know exactly what I was referring to when I meant chemicals. It is loaded with garbage. Including caffeine which is garbage! Please do not get into chemistry with me as I have a minor in chemistry. I am well aware of the chemical composition of water.
  • You say you gained 20lbs during your "bulk" that certainly was not all muscle. I'm guessing the large majority was fat and water especially since you admitted to not weighing any of the foods you were eating. In order to have a successful cut you must have a successful bulk first.
  • You did what they refer to as a dirty bulk. Which means you put on more fat than muscle because of your dietary choices. It happens but I never recommend it. Focus on the positive and lose the unwanted weight that was put on
  • Best of luck!
    in Just starting Comment by BHFF April 2017
  • Great job!!!!
  • Really??
    in Fat butt Comment by BHFF April 2017
  • Great job
  • My wife and son!
  • I struggle with it daily
  • Completely agree with you. You are 100% correct on this. I have two videos on my YouTube channel talking about this exact thing. People just assume you can inject, sit on the couch and you grow muscle. It's not like that at all, it's not even close. Hardwork at the gym, constant dedication on your diet is what get you…
  • LMAO body dismorphia is why I started and yes it's 100 % real as I'm sure you know
  • Thank you for the comment on the thread I do appreciate it. I agree with everything you said I don't need to reiterate it. Awesome awesome information you provided thank you again
  • Something I would never try to be honest with you. Snythol just seems so fake it to me. It's like putting implants and it's beyond cheating. I do appreciate the fact that even though you are in a tested Federation and you still are not a user. They're always around the tests as you know so it's refreshing to see someone…
  • Like the people above mentioned, there is no possible way you burned 1800 cal Something certainly is wrong. I do however often wonder why people get so caught up in how many calories they burn at the gym. If you truly are working your *kitten* off at the gym, truly are giving it everything you have that's all you can ask…
  • Not 50 and not a woman but I do understand the frustration that you gals are going through. I just want you to know that it is possible, I have met and trained many women 50+ and have had great results. Just be sure to focus on your diet, adjusting it when necessary and really pay attention to your body. sometimes your fat…
  • It's total gas work because your heart rate spikes of the drops, spikes of the drops. think about people who do a fast-paced walk on a treadmill for an hour. It says they burn a lot of calories but are they really. People who work out intensely for one hour with heavier weights typically it says you burn less calories. I…
  • Because I have many people who think my pictures are fake first and foremost and secondly because people hint around me being on steroids. So I thought I would set the facts straight so people would stop asking me questions and stop saying I'm fake
  • Yes, I actually find it to be quite odd LOL. I do not and have not done steroids in just about two years. What I need people to try and understand is something called body dysmorphia. It is a real thing and often guys like myself who suffer from this are willing to try anything including steroids to feel normal when they…
  • Are you diabetic?
  • I appreciate the comment. I agree with you as in people who claim natural then compete in natural shows are pretty much scumbags! Always got blood work done but I only did 3 cycles over 7 years. Which is really nothing
  • None of those can admit doing an illegal drug with all the sponsors paying them