archon Member


  • i lost two stone by logging everything i ate honestly staying in the green and using the following guidelines logged under cardio; cardio = number of minutes x 10 Strength/bodyweight = number of minutes x 5 works for me
  • started with stronglifts for a few months and i really like it. The i switched to bodyspace so i can apply templates from or make my own on the site and then add.
  • I time my exercise duration to guesstimate calorie burn - if its cardio I times it by 10 so 45 minutes of kettlebells would be 450 calories. If its strength training i half that, so 45 minutes of 5x5 stronglifts would be 225 i know that it takes me 35 minutes to do 5k and 20 minutes to walk a mile - (I'm no great…
  • thanks for the response - i got a cheap bench and ive been using it all week focusing mainly on the basic 4 exercises for about 45 minutes - took me a while to get everything set to the maximum weight i could manage for different exercises but I've already started to put some extra plates on which is good! - its a shift in…
    in No tonicity Comment by archon July 2016
  • Thanks - makes sense If I got a 100kg bar set with a bench would that be a good start? I ask because there's on going cheap at argos! I notice from your photo you have a well defined back - how would you do that?
    in No tonicity Comment by archon July 2016
  • I tried it I noticed results - not sure of long term but I did think it was ok if i overate on one day because i knew id be starving the next. But i thought i can either eat a number if unsatisfactory meals all day or one decent one. So i mixed it with the old weight lifters steak and eggs diet and had steak and fried eggs…
  • +1 for RKC. I was playing with kettlebells on and off for years - only when I read "enter the kettlebell" by Pavel Tsatsouline did I get it. One of his videos is in the thread above and his book can be found in various formats on the net. I upgraded to a 24kg cast iron kettlebell because this is what he says is the…
    in Kettlebells Comment by archon July 2016
  • cant beat beef jerky! tastes great - is pure protein, fills you up and there is like 68 calories in your average pack!! I also like pistachio buts but they are a bit too more-ish