orlyja Member


  • I lost 1.6 pounds this week! I am following a 90% paleo diet and Running a lot!
  • Start 127 Week 1-127 I don't know why I didn't loose any weight. I worked very hard, a lot of exercise (running 6 days a week) and eating only lean proteins and veggies (no dairy or carbs) and keeping my diet between 1000 and 1100 calories. I hope I am putting on muscle, but to be honest I feel a bit sad. I am planning to…
  • CR- 127 GW- 117 H- 5'1 I am very excited for this challenge!! Also I am starting to train for a half marathon. It is crazy!! What do you eat before and after exercising? If I have breakfast before I feel very heavy and can't run. But if I don't eat anything I feel bad too. I am trying with half apple before with a tsp of…
  • I am in! I like to run too, and I just started training for a half marathon! I gained 11 pounds living in Chicago for a year (amazing food) and now I am trying to lose that extra weight. H- 5'1. CW- 127 GW-117