DavidKuhnsSr Member


  • Good morning BBB friends. The trek to Salem and back for my mother's memorial went well. The service was very nice, and the gathering of extended family afterwards was great, too. Spent time talking to people I hadn't seen in decades. It was good that I took a change of clothes, so I wasn't wearing a suit when we got home.…
  • Good morning gentlemen. Everything went fine yesterday. The service was a bit emotional, at times, but was a wonderful celebration of a very long life. Saw some people I hadn't seen in decades, too. We made it home a little after 10. Sassy spent the day in the backyard, and I was greeted by an extatically happy, very wet,…
  • Good morning BBB friends. My mom's funeral is this afternoon. We're driving the 160 miles down to Salem, doing the service at the church, the reception, then a gathering at the house, before driving back up. We're leaving Sassy in the backyard. It's going to rain all day, but she has a big, covered deck where we'll put her…
  • Good morning gentlemen. Look on it as a blessing, Steve. You'll have no regrets when you leave. Today is my mom's funeral. We'll leave late this morning for the 3-hour drive down to Salem. After the service there is a reception, then a gathering at the old family home for family and close friends. After that, we'll drive…
  • Good morning gentlemen. Supposed to rain yesterday, nut it was a beautiful day. DW says the best forecast is to look out the window. I think she's right. Today is looking pretty again. Hope the river works out well, Mike. Today, I'll do some work on a maple vase I am hollowing out. And DW wants to go to the store, so she…
  • Good morning BBB friends. Just mailed documents for the first part of claiming my share of mom's estate. What fun. Waiting for delivery of another packet. I am not an accountant. This is like filling out tax forms - mental agony.
  • Good morning gentlemen. Had an enjoyable hike up an abandoned road in the Olympic Mountains. A flood washed out a section of the road more than 20 years ago. It is interesting to watch nature take everything back. Did 14.2 easy miles, with 1,575 feet of climbing. Realized I need a new pair of black socks to wear with my…
  • Good morning BBB friends. Heading out the door for a hike in the Olympic Mountains. It's a good day.
  • Good morning gentlemen. Prayers for Annie getting settled in. Prayers for Frankie, too. I am up early to head out for a hike, today. We are getting a one-day break in the seemingly endless spring rain. It will still be well below normal in temperature, but when hiking that isn't a bad thing.
  • Good morfning BBB friends. Finished a large maple bowl, yesterday. Today I clean up the mountain of shavings I made in the process. Only two more big chunks of wood in the shop to deal with. Then I can clean up all the sawdust in that end and see the floor for the first time in a year. Great game last night, Dennis. Would…
  • Good morning gentlemen. We get a lot of rain, but it's spread out. It doesn't come in gully washers like a Midwest thunderstorm. I got enough of a break from the rain to mow, yesterday afternoon. OK, NSV for the day: I'm wearing some hiking pants I haven't fit into for five years. Pretty stoked to keep the weight off this…
  • Good morning BBB friends. During my initial training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, we once had to run out of the old wood barracks where we lived and lie down in a ditch for shelter, as a tornado was on the ground nearby. The twister turned the other way and tore up the post golf course. All we got was very wet and muddy. The…
  • Good morning gentlemen. Hope the gut issues resolve themselves soon, Bob. You too Bill. As one who has spent a lot of time out in the sun and also has a northern European skin tone, I sympathize, Lee. Over the years I have had a half dozen basil cell carcinomas, one early-stage melanoma, and countless precancerous actinic…
  • Good morning BBB friends. Great photo of Laddy. Elsie (DGD) made a costume as a cheetah - with pink spots. The parade was great fun with people dressed as or controlling giant models of everything from jelly fish to dung beetles. Many were just weird. Very typical of Olympia. This was the first time the parade has been…
  • Good morning gentlemen. Hope all have a good day. I'll be out here making shavings in the shop. I have been working on a pile of big pieces of maple and cherry that have filled one end of my shop for a year. Only three more to work through and I'll be able to truly clean that area up from all the chips and sawdust.
  • Good morning BBB friends. Well, Skip, I was jealous of your sunny and warm photos. You can have the spring blizzard, though. We're off to a rainy soccer game (DGS). This afternoon we'll watch both DGS and DGD play piano at a local coffee shop, then watch a parade, downtown. This is the Procession of the Species, where…
  • Good morning gentlemen. DGS has a soccer game this morning, then both grandkids are playing piano at a coffee shop in downtown Olympia, in the afternoon, followed by DGD marching in a parade. It will be a full day.
  • Good morning BBB friends. It looks so nice and springlike in Colorado. Makes me jealous as I dry Sassy off from her morning excursion to the backyard. Glad you can put that behind you, Lou. We will be facing similar challenges with the house in Salem. My sister and brother-in-law have discussed buying me and my brother…
  • Good morning gentlemen. More rain. Nothing like Steve's deluge, but steady, soaking and annoying. We got a half inch, yesterday, but that was pretty much 24 hours of steady light rain. That's the PNW. I have found that eating all my daily points in the current WW system, yields disappointing results. When I am losing, I am…
  • Good morning BBB friends. Poor Tucker. They are so attached to us that extended separation is hard. Rainy, cooler-than-normal day around Puget Sound. I'll try to find something productive to do.
  • Good morning gentlemen. Rain, rain, go away ... Steady soaking all day, today and for the next 10, it looks like. Rats. My eyes passed the semi-annual exam, yesterday. The doc wants me back in another six months. Shop time, then chauffeuring Rita wherever she wants to go.
  • Looking good, Skip. Aren't you required to drink Coors in Colorado?
  • That's all great news Bill. Glad to hear things are looking up for you.
  • Good morning BBB friends. Interesting, Lee. I would add that my perception of my own feelings are greatly influenced by my recent weight loss. I feel a lot younger at 165 lbs. than I did at 193. That stems both from just feeling better, with more energy and fewer random aches and pains, and psychologically feeling better.…
  • Good morning gentlemen. Keep a positive attitude, guys. The cold rains return today. It's a tough transition after yesterday was so nice. One thing that made me feel old, or at least a bit out of step: The jury instructions for reporting to the courthouse said the dress code was business casual. Now, I remember when that…
  • Good morning BBB friends. I was selected for a trial, yesterday, but was excused by the judge due to a hospital appointment I have Wednesday. I was home for lunch. Interesting that Georgia excuses those over 70 from jury duty - and kind of insulting, too. So, everyone over 70 is too dottering and senile to reach…
  • Good morning gentlemen. Yesterday, I was selected for a trial and sent into the court room, but the judge excused me due to an appointment I had at the hospital on Wednesday. I was home for lunch. Should be our last pretty spring day, today: sunny and 70. Tomorrow, and for the next week, we are highs in the 50s and a…
  • Good morning BBB friends. Pretty sure the lights in the sky are drones. They have computer programs that can control thousands at one time to make elaborate patterns. Lith LEDs capable of changing colors the possibilities are endless. Report for jury duty in an hour and a half. Have to say high and bye.
  • Good morning gentlemen. Well, today my jury duty begins. I have to report to the courthouse at 8. With luck I'll go through orientation and get released. That's what my DDIL did when she was summoned last year. Going to be a beautiful day. What a waste to spend it inside.
  • A second comment on auto speed. I once rode with another guy from Stuttgart to Frankfurt for a conference. We were in an old European Ford. The guy drove 120 mph on the Autobahn. The steering was a bit wonky, so the car drifted around the lane a bit. It was hypnotic and terrifying at the same time.