haleyholland12 Member


  • P.S. Did I mention how hard it is to do yoga with a couple of kids climbing on you? Haha
  • I like yoga. I used to like walking, but we moved and now there's nowhere interesting to walk to within 2 miles -- which is reeeeallly difficult with a double stroller and hilly terrain. I used to run (jog) half-marathons but then I got married and pregnant...and pregnant again. This summer I started jogging and then found…
  • We've started doing meals in courses. I have a 3 year old and a 1.5 year old. We start with a veggie of some sort, and you have to eat that first before you can move on to the next course. We try to keep the kids' servings small so it is a surmountable task, since the goal is really for them to taste it and get used to the…
  • I started listening maybe a year and a half ago after the guy on the British History Podcast recommended it and instantly fell in love. I typically listen while doing housework, occasionally on long car rides. Btw I don't listen to the British History Podcast anymore (change of loyalties? That sounds bad...) so that didn't…
  • Hi guys! I'm a big SYSK fan and also heard about this on the chiggers episode. I'm a little embarrassed because my goals are actually quite different. I'm 5'4" and 134 lbs, and I'm 10 weeks pregnant so my goal is actually healthy weight gain. I also really want to watch my balance of nutrients (lots of protein, calcium,…