WalkNH Member


  • Many thanks you to the first people to eat lobster. And thank you to the brave lobster(wo)men for going out and hauling traps. Lobstah makes it worth living near the New Hampshire coast and having to shovel during the 5 month long winter.
  • Today is day 5, taking advantage of the warm temps and lack of snow cover. Able to trail walk between 1.6 to 2.1 miles each day while avoiding the icy patches.
  • Scooter and I got a 1.7 mile trail walk in Wedneday, a 1.3 mile walk in today. After commiting to modifying food intake and walking daily since August, the ounces are beginning to melt away. The weekly and monthly MapMyWalk summaries are incentive to keep going. Winter snow and ice in NH will make it challenging but doable.
  • Managed a 1.8 mile walk in the woods with the dog this morning before the rain.
  • While visiting in VA, got in a 3.8 mi hike Sunday and a 5.75 mile hike Monday in the Shenandoah National Park. Granddaughters danced circles around me but I did finish with a sense of accomplishment. MapMyWalk sent an email with October results. Dog and I tracked over 42 miles for the month for our daily outings.
  • Monday logged 2.5 miles raking leaves and moving many tarp loads of leaves to the way back while dog buddy at groomer. Tuesday dog and I got a 1.5 mile walk in at nearby nature trail. MapMyWalk app motivating me to log something each day.
  • Thank you Greg for posting Walking it Off each day. Reading the daily posts got me out walking again. The Map My Walk app has also helped me get moving. Walked and mapped 28 out of 30 days in September. Extended the 1.3 mile trail walk to 2.0 miles. Plus the frequent walks help socialize my walking cocker buddy. All good…
  • Dennis the menace Martha Stewart
  • Hi Goadies. My name is K and I have been lurking since 2006, the year I joined WW, lost 30 pounds and found the GoaD message board. Managed to keep under goal for 2 years and have been slowly creeping up. I do want to say THANK YOU to all those who are active here, reading your posts have kept me closer to goal than I…