I started with 2.4lb and I am ready to move up. They mostly only sell eithet 4.4lb or 6.6lb. I am not sure which to go for. I am worried the 4.4 is too light and 6.6 too heavy.
Personally I prefer yoga. You hold the positions longer and the movements are slower which helps for a stable core. But I havent done much pilates. I would reccomend yoga for sure though.
Feel free to add me :)
Feel free to add me ;)
London here :)
Feel free to add me ;)
I can make a group or we can post on here. I dont mind. Happy either way
I use 1.1kg which is about 2.4lb. Too light?
Feel free to add me girlies. Lets stay motivated
Great :) Kimchi318 have you tried getting your 3 year old to join in? Not with the harder exercises but I have a 4 year old nephew who loves doing the jumping jacks, punches and butt kicks with me :)
Great. Thanks. I will give those a try
How do you add people?
Thanks guys. I could join a gym but...i dont know i would feel a bit self concious and it would be a bit daunting to go in there and start using free weights for the first time. But im guessing you will not get the same results using just your body weight?
What i would say about it is it is great for your arms and legs and really tones them up. However I dont think there is enough ab work to see ab results and in terms of cardio fitness because the workout is only a few minutes of cardio i would suggest adding cardio on top of doing jillian e.g. running, swimming, biking.…
I love jillian. I just find it so hard to do it every single day consecutively. I know its only 20 minutes but everyday is tough. I know the 30 day shred off by heart now. What do you think i should move onto next? Anyone done the 6 weeks abs (i think thats the name)?
Hi girlies I have been thinking about doing BBG for a while but am unsure. Would you mind giving me some info about it? Is it as effective as the before and after fotos suggest? How does it it just a series of excercise videos? What does it cost? Thank you in advance :)
After doing some research I think it might be caused by a ganglion cyst which is what the bone that is sticking out of my wrist is. I think it gets inflamed when weight is put on the wrist. Anyone heard of/have this?