djacobh Member


  • I have been eating 2100 for a month now. Exercising 4 times a week, cardio and weight training. My weight has been holding steady on a week-to-week basis with minor fluctuations typically on the upward side
  • I log my food in Myfitnesspal, but track activity in Fitbit. I'll look at that negative calorie thing tho!
  • 30, 6'2" height, 240 now, 200 goal and I'd say I fall in active. I am a department manager at a grocery store (deli bakery) which is on your feet all day and working trucks etc.
  • Oh the scale sits on my counter top. I just used it last night to break down some fish and chicken etc into portions (I write the weights in the zip loc). I tend to use measuring cups for other stuff u less it's weight based. Weigh meats and hard veggies, measuring cup greens and liquids, etc I did start a new routine, but…
  • In response to nutmegoreo I tend to get around 2200 to 2300. It's been hard for me to determine which one is my activity level. I work as a manager, but as I noted I walk about 7 to 10 miles a day in the job and I workout 5 to 6 days a week. Most of which include weights and cardio.
  • And I do pre weigh my meats and portion them so I know they're weights match. And I measure the veggies and such out as well. I do a LOT of meal prep.
  • I record everything here. I have missed a few days here n there but at one point I had 70 straight I think. I've even resorted to using measuring cups and scales for a few weeks to make Sure I wasn't over or under estimating. But my diet basically consists of the following: Breakfast: Bowl of cereal w/ 1/2 cup milk Lunch:…