manladdvm Member


  • The parent club field trial this week will celebrate the 100 year anniversary of Field trialing in the US. It is a really big deal and I entered both girls in the open all age part. It is a three day event, Thursday through Saturday. Thankfully, it is only a 4 1/2 hr drive, so I can work most of the day on Wednesday before…
  • Mornin' BBB The parent club field trial this week will celebrate the 100 year anniversary of Field trialing in the US. It is a really big deal and I entered both girls in the open all age part. It is a three day event, Thursday through Saturday. Thankfully, it is only a 4 1/2 hr drive, so I can work most of the day on…
  • Mornin' BBB Wow Mary, congratulations are definitely in order. 34 lbs is a significant loss. Thank you for sharing! I am being treated with a biologic for my psoriatic arthritis and thank goodness I get help from insurance paying for it, and I get co-pay assistance from the manufacturer. I'm sure you have researched the…
  • I dunno...a friend says it all the time for doing nothing much
  • Mornin' BBB Congrats to Georgia fans. Yanks are in the world series. Rooting for the Mets now. Doinking around the house today. BBB OP ;-)
  • Mornin' gents. Congrats to Georgia fans. That's a big deal. That has happened to me so many times, Steve. Frustrating. Positive real estate sale thoughts. Sounds pretty much turn key so should be no problem. Homebody today. Ate too much at field trial yesterday. They had a guy cooking on a blackstone flat top for breakfast…
  • Marshalling requires a lot of chatter on the radio and bossing people around.
  • Mornin' BBB Sorry about the rant yesterday, my PITA was nagging me, and I am super grumpy when in pain, especially when my time is being wasted. Interestingly enough, my PITA is much better today, and hence, I'm in a much better mood. I should do a better job in keeping my grumpiness to myself. Positivity is much more…
  • First day of pheasant season in CT, for what it is. Shooting stocked pheasant, much like fishing for stocked trout, stoopid crowds and stoopid birds on stocking day, but more like hunting after the survivors have been running around for a couple of days and fewer idiots in the field. I for one, am making my contribution by…
  • Mornin' gents. Impressive family history, Bob. Great memories for sure. Yesterday was interesting. It started with the morning discovery that a bear had destroyed my training pigeon coop and feasted on the squished pigeons during the night. Thankfully there were birds to buy at training when I got there. Training took…
  • Mornin' BBB LONG day at dog training yesterday, got there early and started late and finished late. BTG had 4 non trialing dogs in the mix in various levels of training the dogs and the handlers and it was like watching the paint dry. Two of the four were really bad. The owner has really done no formal backyard work and,…
  • I have a cat on the lap situation and I need to get another cup of coffee. Thankfully the keyboard is wireless and I can move it to a spot where I can reach around the black lump and type. Sciatic pain not really bothering me too much during the day, but sleeping is still a problem. Pretty Pablo? I started doing my own…
  • Mornin' BBB Sorry about cancelled bike trip, Dennis. Yankees are playing good baseball for sure. Hope it takes them all the way. It will make for a very happy DW. Happy wife, happy life. Glad you all are feeling a bit better, Steph. Yeah, I was a bit annoyed that the WW website tracker was discontinued. No warning or…
  • Hope everyone had a happy Indigenous Peoples Day. I for one, busted my butt at work. A problem has arisen among my staff. Paralysis by over analysis. This is being fostered by the practice manager who leans towards over analysis and over complication of all things. Then when she isn't there (she had yesterday off), I get…
  • Mornin' BBB Leaf peeping season. Full on color here in NW CT. Sure hope Ron and Steph are feeling better today. My PITA is lingering. Finding a comfortable sleeping position continues to be tricky. Speaking of WW, I have been doing the WW app on my phone. Results have been slow but sure. The MFP premium would probably work…
  • No doggy bling from trial yesterday. A bit disappointed with no placement because I really thought I was in the money with younger dog, and I usually get it right. But judges have to judge, its very subjective, and sometimes you get judged out in the end. Had dinner afterwards with an old field trialing friend in his 70's…
  • Mornin' BBB Happy belated Birthday Mary! It is a nice feeling to get spoiled by loved ones. Well, Babe was blowing me off so the judges understandably didn't bring her back for ribbon consideration, but Lucy had a really nice trial in really tough conditions and got snubbed in the bitter end. Interestingly enough, I was…
  • A subway series would be kind of cool, but what if the Mets won? That would be unbearable. Up early to drive the hour to the trial. Girls are ready. BBB OP ;-)
  • I think that there some good chiropracters out there, but many quacks. My ortho doc, who replaced my left knee, has one in his building, along with a good spine surgeon. I have seen my ortho for this before a few years back. They both refer cases to this particular chiro. It may be coincidence, but when I had sciatica the…
  • Sorry Steve, KC is a very good team this year, but the Yankees will move on. I think my PITA (sciatica) is improving. I was really hobbling at the start of dog training yesterday (usually get 4 miles in most training sessions), then by the end I was moving pretty normally and last night I actually got some sleep. I was…
  • Mornin' BBB The large lady sung in KC. Don't be haters. Guardians or Detroit up next. A chill is in the air. The dogs LOVE it. Good training day yesterday. Trial on Saturday. BBB OP ;-)
  • Prayers for you and Connie, Steve.
  • Happy Birthday Kelly!
  • Our cat woke me up making a dog like howl. At first, I thought I was dreaming, then she did it again, and then again. Almost like a husky might sound, but softer. She is fine, just her being a weirdo. Very vocal kitty. She is now in my lap giving me love bites. Candidate for full time doc came in and worked yesterday. She…
  • Mornin' BBB Well, it ain't over yet with Yanks and Royals. Yanks just have them 2-1. The large lady has yet to sing. Our cat woke me up making a dog like howl. At first, I thought I was dreaming, then she did it again, and then again. Almost like a husky might sound, but softer. She is fine, just her being a weirdo. Very…
  • Mornin' gents. We may have to walk away from Doolittle Rd, sellers are being really stupid about how to set up payment for septic repair and radon evacuation system. We asked for an escrow with 150% of estimates and we would pay them back the unused monies once everything was done and paid for. Not sure why this is a…
  • Mornin' BBB I came across this funny and thought of a BBBer My PITA has escalated and M thinks I should seek professional help. When? I gotta work and train for field trials. I miss my Weber kettle and if you like eating good 'Que, we can be friends. Might have to walk away from Doolittle Rd place. Seller is being weird…