40 is around the corner I won't to hit it at lesser weight and less of the creaking bones
I've gone keto before its hard to stick to it but worth it damm you bread for smelling so good I start tomorrow
Hello add me
Add me
I need help need to cut fat and get and stay strong
Add me we could all do with tips and help
Stuck to it its a long hard journey but its worth fighting
I exercise every day its called not being lazy
Help im Welsh save from stuff
' no kgs or lbs here its stones I'm hoping to lose
Cake and doughnuts all the carbs you ever need if your worrid about fat get diet cake
Hey christee I need to lose God knows how much maybe seven eight stone but I can help I walk a lot in my job and basically have gone to gyms since I was 14
Add me if you like lifting weights
She would rip my arm off
Friend me you buggers
Right in the face
All exept green ha
Haha nine that's a typo sorry thanks for the suggestions
I tried it three years ago lost weight and put on muscle in four months but fell of the wagon due to a lot of work stress and lack of sleep but in the short time I went Paleo wish I could go back but it is hard and I like bread
It's a pyramid scheme
Post man 11miles a day its fun in a storm
Five times I broke my bench press pr in one work out
Add me got some good friends on the mf more welcome add away
On the buttocks
Still would
In a heartbeat
get angry and shoot cops or kids or blacks that all you lot do Americayou all should be ashamed y'all Aweigh then, ya startin' maaaaaaaaate?[/quote]
No are kids in danger of being shot I know my kids are safe put the guns down you mugs
The tragic events in France are shocking and discusting but what's happening in your good ole us seems to be tit for tat you all need to wake up