LoveGhouse Member


  • I have enjoyed most the beach body videos and workout programs. Both good sites and options. If my space doesn't allow for a specific move, I modify so at least I am still doing something.
  • I like G085H173's approach. I vape too & it's the one bad habit I'm trying to quit. So I started by setting mini goals and challenges that are outside my norm... run to town without, don't hit it till noon, skip Saturday etc .... once I've accomplished one little goal, I feel great, know I can do it and shoot a bit higher…
  • I tend to get on Google images or Pinterest and search motivational quotes and read lots of quotes! Then at that particular moment one will stick out and that will stick with me all day or all week! (Sometimes I make it the lock screen on my phone so it reminds me every time I look at my phone!) But in life or with working…