Titaggg Member


  • "Moobs" sounds lovely :D
  • Thank you so much! It cheers me up when I hear it from people who really know what it means! People used to say I was "slim" also when I was like the first pictures... So I don't trust them a lot! :blush:
  • Nope, the period we reenact is 1200, they used a single-hand sword and a shield mostly. I actually look quite grotesque using a single-hand sword with two hands :blush:
  • Thank you so much for all your replies! My diary is now public, but most of it is in Italian! I'm pretty sure I've been logging EVERYTHING for the past month and, as I said, always overestimating (meaning that, if I was sure that pasta weighed 100 grams, I wrote 120 grams.) Instead, I underestimated the exercise because I…