MarianT50 Member


  • Don't put too much pressure on yourself, not being hard on yourself is the first step to feeling good! I lose weight easier the less I stress about it! You'll have good days and not so good days - doesn't mean you've failed though just because some days aren't as good as others! Just start again being as good as you can…
  • Northern Ireland ✌
  • Dahl is such a quick easy dinner to make! I fry up an onion (red works well with red lentils), add a load of garlic, chuck the lentils in, add some veggie stock, Indian spices and half a tin of tomatoes (or enough so the lentils aren't swimming in liquid!) And leave to simmer. Always use the leftovers for lunches through…
  • My local Tesco supermarket (UK): Floral/outdoors/home/electrical Clothing Health and beauty Some fruit and veg - usually fancy, expensive stuff Deli counter Meat counter/fishmonger Alcohol Cereals Fresh Bakery What I would miss if I didn't know what I was looking for: Wholefoods Tinned foods World foods…
  • I've not hear of the health benefits of normal vinegar, but there are a lot of benefits of consuming raw apple cider vinegar (with the "mother" still in) - it's antifungal and antibacterial. It's cleared up acne and sinus problems for me and settled stomach issues I had too! I was taking a shot every morning in a small…
  • @quiney2k I have a few favourite websites I use for recipe inspiration, also follow a few PTs and nutrition gurus on instagram so my pages are filled with nice healthy pics to keep me motivated! One of my favourite websites is - she's a recovering orthorexic and her recipes are brilliant. Another one…
  • @JMGreen225 I'm not sure if you're training or exercising at the minute but what I do is book sessions with my PT for Saturdays and Sundays which I find stops me binging on the bad foods at weekends! Don't beat yourself up about "falling off the wagon" at weekends though!
  • I'm pretty new to calorie counting (I always focused on 'clean eating' and counting ingredients instead) and I definitely find meal planning and eating as many colours as I can helps me most! I experiment with different flavours too to keep my food a bit more exciting, and I'm just in the habit of choosing lower calorie…
  • Northern Ireland! :)
  • @SezxyStef I deliberately didn't tell you exactly what my workouts are, and exactly when I train and exactly what time I took a *kitten* this morning because it's none of your business. You did some guessing and I left you to it, because I could tell from the start no matter what I said you were going to slate me. As for…
  • I should've added that I did previously train and was the leanest I've ever been with decent gains, and my training now is after a break due to illness and injury.
  • @melissa6771 thanks!! That's great to hear :) I had a good laugh about it all with my PTs tonight!
  • @SezxyStef you didn't once ask me how my PT measured my muscle or fat, nor did you ask me at any point what weights I was lifting - you told me how you assumed he was doing it. And i did actually say all that in another comment quite far up the thread this afternoon, right at the beginning of all this crap. So don't make…
  • I never once mentioned how he is measuring my body fat and muscle. Perhaps he's using calipers, body fat scales and I've had a dexa scan. You're very quick to shoot someone down. I simply posted a reply to OP who was asking for advice, I didn't ask for your opinion on my health and fitness - we were talking about macros…
  • "Not trying to discourage anyone"....yet you are. I've said pretty much the exact same as anyone else on this thread yet you're picking on me for some reason. OP asked which was better, counting calories or macros. I gave my opinion and explained why it worked for me. I know a lot of people who use MFP who are very…
  • My PT has been monitoring my body fat, lean muscle and inches closely and I can assure you I have gained 0.5lb of lean muscle. I have been ensuring I get enough protein, and tracking my calories. However, carbs are also needed for energy and need replenished after a workout - which was what I meant when I said it can…
  • I think it depends on the exercise you're doing, and what your goals are. Personally, I am trying to lose fat at the minute so I'm consuming 1300-1400 cals a day (I weigh 150lbs and I'm 5'6) and trying to keep my macros as 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat. I'm weight training 4 times a week as well as running a couple of…