yuggybuggy Member


  • hi I am in similar situation, except I lost the 40lb this year I am similar age and menopause is NOT an excuse - it is a fact that our bodies behave differently I was doing so well and now it has all caved in although unlike you, I struggle with exercise I enjoy walking, but found that although I was eating much better and…
  • Comparison is the thief of joy [/quote] hmmmm it is also the bane of my life
  • I don't think I minded losing slowly - until I became surrounded, online, by people losing fast then it all got harder I know that my mental health causes major difficulties with it all I was logging all my food on mfp, but have stopped over the past couple of weeks I will go back to it and re set goals etc and try again…
  • I find thinking AWAY from food treats is still hard but so far I seem to have treated myself to a number of low carb/alternative flour cook books and info books, some good some not and I got a pedometer :) which I love as it tells me I am walking more than I thought I was (even though it cant quite manage to count the…
  • oh ok, will take a look thank you
  • sorry this isn't meant to be a binge ed group I just wrote this here so it didn't take over the other persons thread maybe I shouldn't have done this I generally don't start things like this I just wanted to help as people asked me to
  • ok, I think I probably should start another thread for this I am VERY happy to help anyone, if I can
  • elize7 - that is what concerns me, too I have been 'working on my weight' since January and have had quite a few lapses back into lots of bingeing, and many smaller binges but I am really scared of it all totally caving I don't want to put that weight back on, I am so sure of that but when it gets triggered in your head it…
  • take a look at the blood sugar diet site - they have a free forum, and it is geared, thought not exclusive to, diabetics
  • I think there are different issues I certainly have or had a sugar addiction, which is forever poised to bite me but my binge eating disorder is also in addition to this it is emotionally based and triggered it is NOTHING to do with liking food or wanting lots it is not pleasurable it is bloody torture I agree 'daylitemag'…
  • I also have binge eating disorder, and like some others have said, its nice to know we are not alone in this struggle I didn't have a problem as a child as food was carefully controlled by adults but it got a lot harder after I went to uni and beyond I have done the hiding chocolate around the house thing, comforted in the…
  • hi, anewlifeat40 I just wanted to add I found my body cannot deal with the fat levels expected on a very low carb diet (and no I wasn't eating to excess at all) it gives me a permanent upset stomach and tummy issues also I find if I eat too much of foods with soluble fibre eg. bean flours, - I have the opposite issue and…
  • sorry slightly confused by what was said above but I think you mean hang in there as it is worthwhile, which is what I intend to do as and when I can since January I have lost almost 40lb and still have lots to go still don't feel fitter but it is nice to find I still have ribs!!!!
  • hi all yes I realised about the magnesium, but since I have upset stomach almost every day at some point, I really don't want to make it worse I am going to try bathing in Epsom salts - which is magnesium, and can be absorbed through the skin and should help muscles along the way re. B12, I had bloods done 3 weeks ago and…
  • hmmm, I still didn't have much energy tbh the only time I do seems to be when I have sugar!! and I don't want to live like that anymore I have managed to cut the 'cr*p' mostly out of my diet for the past few months I just wanted to feel better, but I don't :( I was just looking at salt online and have realised, since I use…
  • wow what a lot of great advice thank you all so much and thank you for the video link, I will watch it tomorrow I am adding salt to food, no idea how much but lots compared to in the past but probably not enough I will get some lo salt or something and try that too I do realise that water doesn't replace salts/minerals (I…
  • thank you for the replies and believe me I have read and watched LOTS I drink around 2 to 3 litres of water a day, so I doubt it is dehydration could it still be keto adaption? after 3 months? I know there were days early on when I had a stinking headache and certainly salty foods helped with that but this is overall…