Indy408 Member


  • Hi! Yep same way. I've lost about 20 lbs, another 10 to go to get to 130! Anyone else feel free to add me as well!
  • Been doing Keto for two months, one pound away from being down 25! Always looking for new friends! :smile:
  • I drink pretty much only water. Not a coffee fan, don't even own a coffeemaker. Will drink a 5 Hour Energy instead in the morning. I've never been one to drink soda, but I've started grabbing a Diet Coke at work a couple times a week for a pick me up in the afternoon since it's right there in the break area and free.
    in Drinks Comment by Indy408 October 2016
  • Feel free to add me! Anyone else too! Keto is amazing. Every day it gets a bit easier...
  • MFP doesn't do net carbs, you just have to do the subtraction yourself. If you turn your phone to landscape mode, you will be able to see your total fiber grams to do the calculation. It's simple, but annoying since it'll still show you as "over".
  • Down 13.5lbs so far, so that'd make 635.3!
  • Hi! I've been doing keto for about two months now, going great, but I'd love more friends! Trying to keep myself unlinked with Facebook, and also from my main reddit account since many friends already know it. :smile: Name: Cindy Reddit Username: wait_what_okay Male/Female? - F / 35 Where ya from?: San Jose, CA
  • Use the actual measurement around your ribcage for bra size, don't add any inches! I used to follow that rule and wore 36B for years and years. I was measured at Nordstrom and they gave me a 32D that fit perfectly and felt a hundred times better. I was shocked since I don't have a 'D' sized chest, but cup sizes are really…
  • Just happened to me a few days ago! I was confused but then my period came early, despite being on the pill. The weight dropped immediately, thankfully.
  • I'd love friends, especially since I want to keep this off Facebook, so I don't have any right now! 35, 5'7" HW: 165 at the end of July, biggest ever! CW: 153 GW: 135 (hopefully by thanksgiving Mexico trip) I've not been too active the past year due to an accident that messed my back up, but at this point it's never gonna…
  • I'm doing a lazy keto so my bad isn't the same as some but still.. This is my first "good" weekend in a while... social events usually get me... though if it's a weekend in, a beer or two doing work around the house and yard. lishaalexis, I'm with you on the football. Go Pack Go. Hopefully I don't ruin my good weekend…