Keto Friends Wanted!

Hello! I'm from California. My favorite quote? "Live and Let Live". Have battled with weight since my late twenties. Have always been on "A Diet" and worked out, yet I am 160 overweight. It's so much weight to lose that I always end up giving up. The longest I've lasted on a diet has been six months, gained it all back. Looking to live a healthy lifestyle from here on, done with the wanting to look thin. Fasting 16 Hours a day and doing the keto thang.


  • AmyOwl73
    AmyOwl73 Posts: 45 Member
    Add me! I just started keto as well - 1 week ago today. I've lost about 5 lbs so far and almost never feel hungry... super weird feeling after being constantly hungry most of the time.
  • Habiteer
    Habiteer Posts: 190 Member
    I'm doing keto too, anyone can add me, my diary is open. I also don't get hungry that often.
  • kittynn
    kittynn Posts: 4 Member
    Wooo! Intermitent fasting and keto! You must be a redditor! It's amazing. Stick to it! Cheating on keto will cause more weight gain than not dieting! Did keto or years. Love it
  • KylieMc45
    KylieMc45 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All
    I am starting Keto tomorrow and would really like some support on my journey. Not sure how to add anyone yet as I have just downloaded this app. Please add me
  • sakvani
    sakvani Posts: 37 Member
    It really works. I'm already doing it.
  • Mbamom76
    Mbamom76 Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me, I started IF and Keto along with moderate exercise this past week and could use like minded support and encouragement.
  • stomsick
    stomsick Posts: 18 Member
    I'm starting Keto on Monday! I would love Keto friends!!!! Please add me! :):):)
  • Hi I've been doing keto and jogging for the past 2 weeks and I've lost 7.5 lbs so far. I'd love some new friends doing keto too. Add me for support.
  • _tierachanel
    _tierachanel Posts: 124 Member
    Also doing Keto. Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • _tierachanel
    _tierachanel Posts: 124 Member
    The link below is a lowcarb/Keto group here on MFP. Everyone in the group is super nice and help you learn new stuff everyday. Check it out :)
  • Smuffingpuff
    Smuffingpuff Posts: 1 Member
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I've been doing Keto on and off for a year now, almost at 60lbs lost. Feel free to add me!
  • amandablair90
    amandablair90 Posts: 38 Member
    Oooh, ooh! Add me, add me! I do it off and on, switching up with whole 30s sometimes and just plain clean eating :)
  • Indy408
    Indy408 Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me! Anyone else too!

    Keto is amazing. Every day it gets a bit easier...