fitbunny68 Member


  • Hi dental, we all need encouragement trust me. Losing weight is not easy, but with like-minded people it can be done! In fact I don't think it can be done without other people to help us. You joined fitness pal, so that's already an accomplishment! The first step.
  • PS, do you guys know of the best way to communicate? What does adding friends do? Is it like a reply all button? Or is this forum the best way? Sorry you guys, I'm a newbie and not very technical! Thanks.
  • Fallgirl84, I totally understand what you are saying! I have a friend who had only about 30 pounds to lose, but whenever she start an exercise program it made her absolutely starving and eat like a horse. So she could never lose weight and would get frustrated. We all know exercises healthy for us, but really, losing…
  • Wow melm1903, that's awesome! Me too, I'm sick of feeling so overweight. My knees are killing me all the time, I walk like a duck from side to side it's crazy! I'm 5'6" and I weigh 216lbs! Getting up from the ground or even a chair hurts, which is absurd. Are used to be a competitive gymnast as a girl, I cannot believe…
  • Wow that's awesome merlinralph! I hope this is a fantastic year for you and that you will have a beautiful photo to take in January 2018!
  • Hi mrs carola- if you aren't able to exercise, the best way to lose weight anyhow is to DIET. Doctors now say that your food intake is 90% of the equation. (It used to be they thought only 80%). So if you watch your food intake and stay within your allotted calories, I guarantee you will lose weight!!!! You must keep at it…
  • Hi guys. Anyone else drinking a ton of water and therefore having to use the bathroom many times a day??? Lol. Oh my goodness I barely made it just now, had to run into a Five Guys to use theirs. Of all the places! It smells so good but I've already used up my calories for today ugh! Lol
  • Haha yes I know what you mean about unflattering photos. I avoid having photos taken of me at all costs! And I'm tired of that! PS I started a little group in the "group" category of the "community" section because I thought that would be easier to communicate. It's called 50 pounds + to lose or something like that. It's…
  • That's awesome! Yes I hear you. I don't want to mess up either but I also don't want to get discouraged and then give up when I do mess up, you know what I mean? I have on that many times! And this year I'm just going to push through it hopefully. I am on a four-day streak you guys which is a lot for me LOL. I feel good…
  • That's awesome guys! We can do this OK? Did anyone else have a flashback to last New Year's Eve when we said that in 2016 we were going to lose all the weight? I did and I just about died. I couldn't believe another year went by where I didn't do anything about it! We must stick to it for 2017 and that's it. We just have…
  • Wow, I am so surprised that most of the people you started this journey with have dropped off. Well let's make sure that none of us that have commented in this little forum I started, do that! Let's stop using every excuse in the book to fall off the wagon, no matter how bad it is, let's stop using food inappropriately,…
  • Hi Trevor, sorry I didn't see your message until now. That's awesome that you have that goal! I have about 75 pounds to lose and I plan to do it in 2017 is well! I am sick of wearing the same old baggy clothes all the time and covering upwhen everyone else is wearing a T-shirt and shorts in the summer LOL. Also, I am tired…
  • Hi ladies. I am extremely untechnical, but feel free to add me as a friend I think people are doing here so that we can motivate each other? I don't have Facebook I'm afraid, but I'm on here every day logging my food diary. I'm on a three day streak of staying within my allotted calories. At night I feel tempted to eat but…
  • Hi metalhead, don't feel like people are being mean to you. It is true that the ideal weight is achieved through 90% diet and 10% exercise. (It used to be 80% diet and 20% exercise, but the medical profession has updated it to 90%). I am in the same boat as you, 50+ pounds to lose, so keep working on your diet using this…
  • Hi there! I also let myself go the last five years and now have 50+ pounds to lose. I also have (had?) a late night eating habit, but for three days straight I have fought through the urge. You can too! Let's do this! I'll request you- I'm not quite sure how to do that but I'll figure it out! Not so techie...