mugginskate Member


  • Hey all. I'm been busy to the max. I maintained my weight this week, but I would have liked to see a drop. Trying to get more serious this week. Megan
  • Happy Thanksgiving, Americans!
  • @momofthree9845 I just added you. Sorry only saw your post now for some reason! Still more room if others would like to join!
  • Hey everyone! It's Wednesday. I think I can make it to the end of the week... whew. I can't wait for Christmas break. I'm struggling with my job, it really affects my mental health. So I try to make sure I do all the good things, like exercise, use my SAD light, and meditation (haven't gotten back into the habit of this…
  • Well my husband got up this morning and made me my breakfast and tea latte. #dreamy. Mondays are always rough for me, but him doing this for me makes a difference. After a disappointing weigh in last week, I managed to knock off 1.8 lbs this past week. It felt good, and shows what a difference logging your food makes!! I'm…
  • @Katerr1kk regarding your vitamins and such, would it be helpful to set alarms on your phone to take them? I take meds every morning and afternoon and I keep an alarm on my phone to remember. It really helps. I also keep backup pills in my purse on the off chance that I turn off the alarm and then forget.
  • I did well this past week logging my food. Granted I didnt do it every day, but I did enough to lose 1.8 lbs!!! So pumped about that, and it's motivated me again for this coming week. Goals: Weigh in on Sunday Log food every stinkin day Use SAD light every morning Exercise 4x Mediation every night Megan
  • @Katerr1kk 39 lbs, what a great accomplishment! I understand plateaus though. Geesh they make things difficult!! Megan
  • Happy Saturday! It's a warm day here in New Brunswick, Canada. I'm planning to go for a nice walk at the beach with my husband. Keri, I don't have much planned for the weekend. I'm actually done my Christmas shopping, so I could do some wrapping today! And listen to some Christmas music. That would be enjoyable!! Sonya,…
  • @Katerr1kk and @kixton adding you!
  • @violetanderson39 I'm really into protein shakes. Or I was back when I was lifting. I find it's the prime way to get tons of protein!
  • @human_bean so happy to have you. I finally got the kick in the butt I needed which was gaining 5 lbs in two weeks. I made it my goal this week to log my food every day. I only weigh in once a week, and prefer it that way. I weigh on Sunday before breakfast, after the bathroom. Trying to make a more regular habit out of…
  • Adding you @Pushkinnz
  • Adding you @human_bean
  • @Crystalb4747 , feel free to head over to the "Goals" thread and set goals for the rest of the week. We set our new goals for the coming week every Sunday. But there's no reason not to start on your goals now!
  • Hey Crystal, so nice to have you!!! Megan
  • @cooper0764 there is still room. We had a few members go inactive so I'm looking for some committed members to join. I sent you an invite.
  • Hey @violetanderson39 there is still room. Some of the members are inactive, so I'm opening it back up and looking for committed members. I sent you an invitation.
  • @Crystalb4747 pm'd you.
  • @mtrautwe @Dana_fitmom @ClaireNo95 added you all! Come on in and start interacting!!
  • I've got 3 days of logging food under my belt. I'm planning to go out for a run today, although it's freeeeeeeezing. But now that I've said it I have to do it. ;) Megan
  • Yay, Keri!!!!! That's awesome!!!
  • Still accepting members. Looking for people who will really engage with the group. We've had several that did not stay active.
  • Logged my food two days in a row! That's progress!! I'm in it to win it.
  • @goingape added you. @Crystalb4747 added you.
  • Trying to get a few more members to join. We seem to have lost a few. I put another post up so we can share more and reach our goals!
  • I had a rude awakening this morning, seeing that I gained 5 lbs since my last weigh in (2 weeks ago). I need to buckle down and get that weight back off and then some. Goals: Exercise 4X Log food EVERY MEAL EVERY DAY. Seriously. Use my SAD light every day. Meditate every night. Megan
  • @chasitystiff9397 adding you!
  • Hey Keri! My week has been a challenge. Everything seems to be winding me up and bringing the anxiety. I had the day off today which was nice and there's only two days until the weekend. How about you?
  • Hey everyone. I neglected to post my goals this week, but my goals are to keep up with meditation and my SAD light. I'm also trying to focus on the positives at work as per my therapists suggestion. I'm going to get outside for walks or runs each day for the rest of the week.