lilyanneetc Member


  • Hey Meg, I'm also lchf. I've done that type of eating before with success, but sulfasalazine was messing with my appetite and I gave up for a while when pretty much all I could stomach was potatoes! But I've switched meds now, and actually just pulled almond flour cinnamon rolls out of the oven!
  • I know you know this, but be careful pushing yourself! I certainly know that feeling of having to crash after pushing myself (my job is more active than many and also involves a lot of late nights, so I push myself more regularly than I should....) I think eating food which tastes good, makes you feel good, and is…
  • I have to say that I do have celiac's, and not long after going gluten free I felt so much better, but that sort of bounce back relief lasted around two years before rheumatoid arthritis started kicking in so it isn't actually a miracle cure even though it controls my celiac's. Gluten free or dairy free or whatever is not…
  • Wow, 8 years on Prednisone is a long time!
  • Oh I'm in as well! I have rheumatoid arthritis, and have been dealing with appetite messing side effects from a medication for months now. For a while, literally all I could bear to think of eating was gluten free bread or potatoes, though I'd force myself to eat veggies at lunch. I'd wander other aisles in the grocery…
  • Alcohol will kick you out of ketosis temporarily anyway, so g&t plus a bit of pizza isn't much worse than just g&t! I wouldn't fret too much, as long as you are able to get right back to keto eating. I find when I eat carbs (especially actual sugar) again my big struggle is powering through the cravings to eat potato chips…
    in Oops! Comment by lilyanneetc August 2016
  • Once I'm past desperate cravings for potato chips (which last just a few days) I stop needing any sort of snack on a keto diet. I generally eat breakfast (eggs and sausage, or an omelet, fried in butter) and then am not hungry again for a long time! I'm on a medication which needs to be taken with a meal every twelve…