Autoimmune Disease buddies?



  • sithiria
    sithiria Posts: 16 Member
    Diagnosed July 2016 Relapsing Remitting MS Untreated for a decade. Trying to fight. Did a round of IV, then Copaxone. Prednisone..Didn't help, now on 240mg Tecfidera.. Need a new Neuro. I haven't walked in over 2 years and I'm 42. Need to drop this weight and return to my deva self.
  • Kiansha
    Kiansha Posts: 4 Member
    Would love some friends. I have type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, endometriosis and crohns. I'm an autoimmune disease queen. Was on here 4 years ago and lost 12kg after being on steroids for a long time. Had to cut my meals in half whilst still taking steroids. I then lost my Mum from cancer and broke up with the father of my kids. I have put on 4kg recently just by changing medications. I eat well but obviously now have to cut down. I have a very inactive lifestyle other than being a Mum and household stuff. If my body would cooperate it would be great. Just going to try and do a daily walk with my kids to at least up my steps. Thanks in advance for reading this. I'm 40 years old.
  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    edited January 2017
    I have Raynaud's. I had a really hard time losing weight at first. I've tried many things but have gotten the most improvement not eating processed carbs, dairy, and too much protein. I can definitely tell when I do. I think the inflammation is what caused my struggle with scale in the beginning.

    I'm LCHF which isn't for everyone but works for me. It took trial and error to get here. I still periodically have symptoms of course but now they are more manageable since I lost 65 lbs and cut a lot of my food triggers.

    Wishing everyone success with symptom-free days!
  • ellie_RN
    ellie_RN Posts: 19 Member
    I have many autoimmune issues but psoriatic arthritis is what I fight the most. Med wise, I am coming down on a prednisone taper, I am back on methotrexate
  • lilyanneetc
    lilyanneetc Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Meg,

    I'm also lchf. I've done that type of eating before with success, but sulfasalazine was messing with my appetite and I gave up for a while when pretty much all I could stomach was potatoes! But I've switched meds now, and actually just pulled almond flour cinnamon rolls out of the oven!
  • ToeTapN
    ToeTapN Posts: 64 Member
    I have been managing RA with a gluten free lower carb higher fat diet for years now. I would love to be in touch and hear how you are all managing.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    ToeTapN wrote: »
    I have been managing RA with a gluten free lower carb higher fat diet for years now. I would love to be in touch and hear how you are all managing.

    I have RA among other things. I cant do keto or LCHF as I have another health issue and I have to eat low fat.what helped my RA was lifting weights, so far I have not needed meds,YET. But I was always having pain and tenderness and this helped with that. Im now less tender and sore.sometimes I can just take something over the counter for pain and that helps.
  • achabbanana
    achabbanana Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All -
    I have a type of autoimmune arthritis (enteropathic arthritis) which has been flaring for a long time, now. I tend to flare after pregnancy for a couple of years and then things tend to go into remission. I've been on a low-dose of prendisone for about 18 months and I'm on Humira as well.
    For me, the main problem was flaring right after pregnancy and going straight on prendisone, making it particularly difficult to lose the pregnancy weight - like at all. I basically look the same as I did when I was 8 months pregnant.
    I just started Bistro Md and we'll see if a low carb diet will help.
    I've also done the gluten free, dairy free type diets (as well as a full allergy elimination protocol) and had no success. I was diagnosed when I was 20 and I'm 42 now, so I feel like I've tried most non traditional paths. But if people find they work, that's awesome.
  • ljpjones
    ljpjones Posts: 49 Member
    I have RA also, have found it very difficult to truly exercise. I had lost 88 lbs before my first mayor flare and once put on the meds with the pain and stiffness gained most of it back. I'm back on the right track now, but I worry I'll end up with another major flare up do to pushing myself. Any advice would be great. Ty
  • gravylover
    gravylover Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I have hashimoto's, chronic fatigue, IBS and diverticular disease. I am 33 and finally trying to take control of my health. Oh and we are trying for a baby on top of this :smiley:

    I too find so much conflicting information out there of what is best to eat as the items that are good for one illness are bad for another.

    Im 10 days into the FODMAP diet whilst trying to lose weight too. Ill be honest, Im finding it very frustrating.

    At times you just want that pizza (!) or eat out and it is very restrictive

    However,I will say that on the whole my stomach is much happier on FODMAP restriction. And Ive lost some weight, lots to go but am finally having moments of my day where i have a little energy-its lovely!

    I find the MFP so helpful for motivation and knowing there are others going through similar health problems.
  • Onyx_Eve
    Onyx_Eve Posts: 37 Member
    I have Sjogren syndrome, which my doctor humorously states is the best autoimmune disease to have if you happen to have one. I still don't get his joke considering I not only suffer from severe dry eyes, but joint paint, muscle pain, inflammation, tiredness and lack of sleep too. Yes, I know it could be worse, but it's definitely not fun.
  • apollock4722
    apollock4722 Posts: 2 Member
    I have Primary Sjogrens. I have the bodily aches and joint pains along with fatigue and inflammation. I am on mobic which has helped and plaquenil which takes awhile to take effect. I started Xiidra in anticipation of dry eyes to follow. I've started on MFP to drop weight and focus on exercise and healthier eating. Its been a year since I dropped alcohol and gluten from my diet. This was before I knew had Sjogrens. It helped a little so I know diet affects me. Sugar brings out more symptoms.
  • jennypenny6375
    jennypenny6375 Posts: 11 Member
    I have Lyme disease. For me, it mimics RA a lot. I've been doing Paleo for about a month. I've gained so much energy on it. And lost a few pounds so far. I'm hoping to find more energy and motivation to continue lifestyle changes that will help with my Lyme flair ups.
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    Mine's Guillain-Barre Syndrome & now diagnosed as transverse myelitis. I learned to live with it how to prevent any relapses. I've been counting calories for 4yrs already doing light workouts ; desk cycle bike, lifting 4lb weights, brisk walking, yoga stretches. I've recently added jogging into my workouts. Auto immune disease isn't a hindrance to reaching your goals. Lets do this!
  • BlueCanyonKid
    BlueCanyonKid Posts: 2 Member
    Nearly 2 months ago I was diagnosed with PMR; it had crept up on me for months before I couldn't sleep and finally saw my GP and then asked for a referral to a Rheumatologist, who put me on low-dose Prednisone. I'm using a fitness tracker and joined MFB to keep track of getting enough calcium and not getting too much sodium (Prednisone can cause calcium loss, sodium can cause water gain).

    I've also adopted a gluten-free diet, difficult for someone who ate many forms of wheat all day long, but I think it's essential. I already need to loose about 30 pounds and don't want to gain more weight on Prednisone, but also, since this is an inflammatory disease, I decided I needed to take inflammatory foods out of my diet. My blood tests didn't show this, but my physician says concurring with the diagnosis description and responding to the medication confirm this diagnosis. And now if I eat wheat, I feel it, in particular I don't sleep as well because of muscle pain. So far I've eliminated wheat and sugar. I keep a food diary and will decide if dairy or meats need to go as well, but I think wheat was a main food problem in my case.

    I'll be weaning off of the Prednisone for many more months before I find out if this treatment has been effective or if I have to maintain a level lower than I'm at right now. So I suspect I'll be a regular at MFB and using my Withing's Steel HR tracker for a long time. Other than PMR, my rheumatologist says I'm very healthy - after a large battery of tests, this seems to be the one issue.

    Several years ago before this happened I successfully used alternate day fasting (regular eating one day, only about 500 the next, repeat - some people do it with only two fasting days per week) to lose weight. The software for MFB scolds when I eat less than the allotted amount per day. By taking wheat out of my diet it is easier to do the fasting routine, and definitely easier to meet the rest of my MFB daily goals. The source for the fasting is a science program from the UK, hosted by Dr. Michael Mosley, called "Eat, Fast, and Live Longer." It's available as a documentary online, currently the site I find hosting it is called dailymotion dot com. My particular diet routine starts at about the 38 minute point.
  • CynoO
    CynoO Posts: 161 Member
    MS and almost two months fight BP
  • BexDun
    BexDun Posts: 133 Member
    I also have Hashi's and (most probably) Coeliac. I've just come back on MFP as my throxine levels were off all winter, so I'm trying to get a handle on levels and weight.
    I like food, so it's proving to be quite difficult to shift the weight I gained :(
  • BexDun
    BexDun Posts: 133 Member
    Actually, I don't know if anyone can help me but I have some questions reg thyroxine levels and exercise.

    Would an increase in exercise and muscle gain increase the amount of thyroxine needed?
  • Sarc_Warrior
    Sarc_Warrior Posts: 430 Member
    I was recently diagnosed with sarcoidosis. Add me if you want.
  • Claudia50G
    Claudia50G Posts: 7 Member
    Morning, new to myfitnesspal; I have RA and lupus. Exercise is difficult and my mind set is terrible. MD said I also have depression due to fatigue and pain. Need support, please, to get me on track with diet and exercise.