stephaniej2888 Member


  • I'm 5'8 as well and my lowest was in high school I was 160 lbs. I was on the weight lifting team and played soccer and was totally tone from head to jiggle what so ever lol. If I weighed that little I would probably look very sick. At 160 you could see my hip bones lol
  • Like I said, I would give it a couple weeks. I lost 8.4 lbs week 1 and 4 lbs week 2 and then mine evened out. If after 2..maybe 3 weeks you still feel like your losing to much to fast then change it up :)
  • Also, what is the need to be at the bare minimum of the bmi calculator? I'm not trying to be rude or mean or anything so please don't take it that way..just curious.
  • Like another poster said, 1,200 is the bare minimum for a woman, not a man. Also the amount of carbs still just seems way off to me. My doctor has been helping me with my weight loss and he set me at 40 g or less of fat per day, 90 g or more of protein per day and 120 g or less of carbs per day(in a few months i have lost…
  • I totally agree! Like I said in my post, when I started eating healthier I 100% cut out fast food because I was eating at fast food places at least every other day and the things I was getting were so bad for me! Now that I've been eating healthy for a few months I can have the occasional thing from a fast food place, but…
  • I personally weigh weekly but no judgment toward anyone who does different :) I just do weekly bc when I did daily I would get discouraged and mad when I would gain a little for no reason lol. I would have to agree with the other posts that this is just water weight. My first week back on the healthy eating/working out…
  • 1st. I would suggest talking to your doctor about working out because he/she would know better about what your body can handle. But as far as just easy working out (treadmill/walks, light hand weights, etc.) My thoughts would be that you should be doing that from the start so yes, you need to be working out. 2nd. That…
  • I agree! Think of the things you like getting at the fast food place and see if you can make a version at home. I used to love the chicken biscuits or English muffins at fast food places but when i started eating better I wanted to stay away from fast good (bc I was totally addicted lol) so I started making them similar…
  • It depends on what you are eating. If your "cheat" is going to Olive Garden and have a bowl of fettuccine Alfredo (which is about 1,200 cal.) Then yeah...that's going to blow the whole day lol. But if you want a few slices of pizza, piece of cake, some fried shrimp, etc. That's pretty easy to fit into your day with only…
  • Honestly...I can't WAIT to feel more comfortable naked infront of my husband. He married me at my heaviest point so I know he loves me for me and not something a scale says...but him seeing me naked since our daughter was born has just made me super uncomfortable and I can't wait for that to be GONE!
  • I don't really do a "cheat meal" anymore. I tried doing that while dieting multiple times before and I would just keep making more excuses to "cheat" more and more and it didn't work out for me. I typically eat something out of the ordinary (a few slices of pizza, ice cream, etc) on Tuesday or the following day because I…
  • Average 2 year old!! Woop woop! Lol
  • I use the elliptical 6 days a week after I put my kids to bed and I get on it for 35 min doing the "hills" setting at the moment (I'm working my way up on time on the elliptical). I also go to the gym 2 days a week and at the gym I do 20 min on the elliptical + 30 minutes on machines or with weights. I also try and fit in…
  • Don't let one weight ins results discourage you (I know it's easier said than done). Did you weigh on the same scale? Weigh the same time of day? Wearing (or not wearing) the same type of clothes? Or shoes? Did you have some food with more salt than normal? Is it almost that time of month? ...... There are SO many reasons…
  • She has it right! When you are breastfeeding you have to eat extra to keep the milk production up so that your making enough to feed the baby, now that your not breastfeeding anymore you need to look at what & how much your eating, portions, etc. Also keep in mind that breastfeeding is burning your…
  • My expectations were low going I said, I don't like the place and the food is never good (to me anyway)...but I always seem to forget how it hits my stomach and then I'm like "ahhh, now I remember why it's been so long since I've eatenhere!" Lol
  • I am so glad I'm not alone! Lol I love me some Alfredo but after eating it...I so regret it lol. I have had a milk allergy since birth but all milk products don't do it...just some....but the Alfredo is SO good!
  • It's really up to you when you want your weigh in day to be. Mine is every Tuesday. I just happen to weigh in for the first time on a Tuesday so I've stuck with it lol
  • Yes! Not to mention a lot of them are SO tiny! I mean, I understand portion control, but if the amount is so small your still hungry after then I would say that's not enough lol
  • I can make shrimp, chicken, Mac n cheese and green beans at home or eat them out at quite a few restraints with no issues, but from there I always feel sick the next day. And no I don't over eat just because it's a buffet lol I honestly didn't eat much at all
  • I'm right there with you on buffets. Like I said in my OP, I think that place is just plain gross but I gave in a went where the family wanted...and then totally regretted that decision lol The only buffet I have even been to that I loved was the one at the Wynn Hotel in Vegas. Everything tasted so good! Lol I also feel ya…
  • First of all, talk to your OB. Second of all, don't go on any kind of "diet" when your pregnant...period. you are growing a baby in there and that baby needs you to eat enough of the right food to make it grow healthy. Third, eat healthy and eat when your hungry. Don't not eat because your afraid to gain weight, that's not…
  • I totally agree! My best friend has had 3 children and has worked out and lost the weight after all of them. She is 5'4 and probably around 130 lbs and it great shape, but still has what she calls her "tummy flap" because of her stomach being stretched out over and over again from pregnancy. She has tried for years to get…
  • I can't wait till Wonderland! I started out at 248 lbs, I am down to 227. I probably still a couple months till I make it there but I can't wait! :)
  • If you don't mind me asking, how overweight are you? The reason I ask is, if you are significantly overweight then loosing weight would probably reduce the size of your chest as well and you could avoid the surgery all together. I know some people need the surgery...doesn't matter if they are overweight or not, but if you…
  • I am not really a fast food person...its been months since I've had anything fast food. But I feel the same way about Burger King. Omg that place (in my opinion) is just nasty! Lol
  • 1st: if you can't maintain healthy eating before a tummy tuck then you won't be able to after. You need to focus on getting yourself healthy first and then if you still have loose skin you want to get rid of then it's your decision. How much would it sucks to pay all that money and go through all that pain just to gain…
  • I typically gain 2-3 lbs, but once TOM is gone then the weight falls right back off.
  • Mine is actually the complete opposite lol When my weight is heavier I have my monthly maybe once every 3-4 months, but when I am eating good and working out and some of that weight is gone then my body is a little more regular. Funny thing actually. I was around 250 lbs and wasn't having my monthly at all. I went to the…
  • It is not easy! My daughter just turned a year old and I am still struggling to lose the weight and tone my tummy. I get really annoyed seeing those girls who have flat tummies just weeks after baby lol After my daughter was born my hormones changed and it became MUCH harder to lose the weight. I now get on the elliptical…