gdubb_flow Member


  • OK....good luck in your gains journey... U will succeed...
  • Never thought about dried fruits,,thanks Bioklutz.. I'm going to try that out
  • Try to eat at least 4 to 5 small meals a day...when u wake up in morning eat within a hour...even if its a protein bar,Apple or anything...don't let your body get this about a week and your body would adapt to eating...but just watch your fat intake on your foods though....Good Luck..
  • Thx for the advice..will do!!...Good luck also!!
  • Intense workout 4days a week....and I'm eating abt 3100 calories a day....I really only eat one fruit(bananas).. with my protein shakes,just wanted to know other good fruits were highly recommended... Jus started this weight gain journey a month ago...I eat pretty much the same food everyday...
  • Lol....I'm trying to include fruit carbs in my meals...I'm doing some intense training.4days a week.and I work a swing shift 12hr + job....just trying to keep my energy level high...
  • Yea...that was my mind set.when...I prepared a bowl of fruits..trying to replenish my carb /energy levels...I wanted to do a quick workout set later tonight...I became sick,but I didn't let it stop me...I just finished a quick workout abt 2hrs ago...and just finish eating 3eggs scramble with chicken breast meat...bout to…
  • Yes it's true...but if u minimize fruit intake should hurt much...
    in Fruit Comment by gdubb_flow August 2016
  • Thanks guys for the suggestion... Cause I ate a cantaloupe mix with strawberries,and it made me went down and came back think I brought that on myself.cause I ate this shortly after my workout....buddy of mine said never use fruit carbs after workout ,stick with starch carbs..ex.sweet potatoes...