Oh yes, I forgot to add deadlifts into front raises.
Out of curiosity though, how long do you think it will take for me to loose that water weight once I'm back on my regular macros? Thanks again everyone!
Thanks everyone! Not donuts no, just more fruit and oatmeal etc. sticking to healthy foods, just unable to really control my macros.
Brilliant, thanks for your replies you guys. I'll certainly look into what you mentioned. Do you know for certain if any of the above does 20 minute workouts? Thanks again!
Thanks everyone for your answers. I've always worked out and am very close to my 8% body fat before bulking, however, having a scientific mind leads me to want to know as much as possible. I too believe the extra nutrients must make a difference, plus, dieting without working out would probably make me feel angry, tired…
Thanks for your replies everyone. BF number matters just out of trying to learn what my body looks like at what percentage. Undoubtedly he mirror is the best and most enjoyable way of seeing results, however, having a scientific mind I love hard data and that helps me always be accountable and motivated to progress.
Thanks for your answers! That's all really helpful.
Got to my first ever boxing class and rocked it!
Congratulations on all the goals achieved. You are inspiring!