nimietyisnotenough Member


  • Hey there, and welcome! I'll rep my protein brand, since I don't see it posted about here: I use Bluebonnet original flavor powder, which is a very light vanilla flavor, barely sweet. It's very high quality (whey isolate), and great for those of us who have a hard time with artificial flavorings and sweeteners, which I do.
  • My surgeon's plan says carbonation is fine after three weeks (i.e. that it doesn't "stretch the sleeve")—which has been great for me because I'm a huge seltzer drinker. I do find that it takes some technique, and I no longer like things as carbonated as I used to, which isn't a problem because I have a SodaStream machine…
  • Yeah, this looks like the best resource I've yet seen for this specific situation. Thanks very much!
  • Low-bar squatter here too, and that's the thing I feel like might require the most tinkering, because of grip width and arm bulk and blah blah I won't really know 'til I get under the bar. I like the idea of doing some assistance stuff with dumbbells, maybe getting some kettlebells going (maybe I'll see if I can still…
  • Oh, amazing to talk to another powerlifter! Did/do you squat high- or low-bar? I'd been out of the gym too long before surgery (hence the surgery, in part—I had to let go of serious training for schedule reasons, but didn't let go of eating like I was in serious training). Can I ask what percentage 10-20 lb. dumbbells…
  • Hi all! This is my first time participating in a goals thread; nice to meet you all. I'm recently sleeved (and would be happy to have more friends who are working with this anatomical modification!). I'm a lapsed competitive powerlifter looking to minimize muscle loss during this process so I won't have lost years' worth…
  • Hi Rosanna! Lovely picture. I'm not far ahead of you—I'm a month out today, down a little more than 27 pounds so far, and also would be glad to have friends navigating this process!