theaspicioway Member


  • Cube up some halloumi and gently fry til brown. Mix in crushed garlic and balsamic vineger, then add in 1/2 tin chickpea, 1/2 tin lentils, and 1/2 tin butter beans. Great fibre, really filling and the balsamic adds a nice flavour to it. Another option is cut out the halloumi and throw in tuna chunks or prawns
  • 200g of fat free Greek Yoghurt, 33g of porridge oats, 1tbsp of honey. Mix in a bowl and leave overnight. In the morning, add 10g of Rice Crispies and stir in. The Rice Crispies add a nice little crunch while the oats give it body. 320 calories, lots of goodness and it keeps you full til past lunchtime.