stacey01575 Member


  • I used to eat those a while ago, but now my go to is the thin sliced Dave's Killer Bread. The one I bought this week is only 60 cal a slice (some are 70) and I love the seeds/texture.
  • When I really need to get things going, I join a dietbet to lose 4% in 4 weeks. Each game is fun and people in the game are super supportive. I just finished one today (met goal!) because I wanted to lose 5lbs for a wedding I'm going to next week. The accountability of the game helps keep me on target.
  • Cake/brownies - these I just try to limit as best I can but I don't substitute. The less I eat them, the easier it is to say "no". Also... pizza... love it and make room for it in my calories probably every week.
  • I just finished a 4 week dietbet where I lost 5.6 pounds in 4 weeks (1.4 lbs/week). I am within 10 pounds of my ideal weight, so this is actually higher than I would usually try for - just wanted to lose 5 pounds before an event so I needed some extra motivation. Ideally it's more like 0.5 lbs/week.
  • Eating out is the big one, we go out way more often than we should... the downside of living in Portland, OR, a great foodie town. Also, my husband loves grabbing a couple drinks after work most weekdays, and I am trying to limit alcohol right now (I'm doing a dietbet) so it is a challenge for me to choose not to partake…
  • Currently re-watching Lost. That should keep me occupied for several weeks for sure.
  • It was a hard adjustment for me when I changed jobs and lost my 4:30-6pm exercise time, which I loved! But I switched to 30-40 minute workouts in the morning. I usually do intervals on my elliptical, and I watch DVDs to keep my brain entertained. After a while it just became habit and really felt like quality "me time". I…
  • We have a toaster oven at work, so I chopped up a ton of veggies (carrot, broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts) and roasted them with some cooking spray and salt. Throw those over a couple cups of mixed greens and add some sliced avocado and a hard boiled egg.