big_jon_1988 Member


  • I should join the FB group I haven't even seen it yet
  • We're staying at a pretty nice all inclusive adults only resort in puerto vallarta, so we'll spend a lot of time there, drinking, eating, swimming, partying and such, we'll also head into town a few times over the week check out bars, restaurants and maybe do some quadding up into the mountains. Looking forward to it.
  • Down to 213lbs 3 to go.
  • Supplements for gaining weight are kind of trash, you're better off adding things like nuts and Avacado into your diet to add something calorie dense and high in good fats. Peanut butter too.
  • Gains for Jesus
  • Also I'd question how you're getting your body fat measured, it's possible there's an error. A lot of those electronics that claim you estimate body fat are really inaccurate. And as others have said, don't lose weight too fast or you'll lose all that lean bodymass you're trying to build or at least most of it, also you…
  • Awesome man, you look bigger in the picture, but it has nothing for reference I guess.
  • I was going to ask the same thing. 10 pounds in a few months seems nearly impossible naturally.
  • For arms I've found a lot of volume on triceps was hugely effective to add size, I put an inch on my arms in 18 months simply by starting to focus on more volume on triceps and obviously biceps as well. But triceps are 2/3rds of your arm, so they're actually the most important thing with arms size. Try to eat a lot of…
  • I'd suggest a personal trainer to show you some basics for exercise, and YouTube is a good place to find a lot of diet and exercise advice.
  • Like most the last place it falls off for me is the love handles and lower stomach. I'm hoping That at 210 I'll pretty much be good.
  • 216 today
  • A lot of that is subjective so I imagine that it's going to be difficult to gage. Some people want to be big, some people want to be lean, and some people want both. The degree or expectations will vary from person to person. If you want to lose weight 1 lb a week is probably a safe bet maybe 1.5. To gain muscle you're…
  • Crazy man. How much do you weigh?
  • I want to figure out how to post a picture because I'd like to hear an honest idea of what people think my Bf%would be. Edit, I changed my profile picture, only way I could think to do it. My guess is 15 or 16 percent, but I'm not great at guessing.
  • Most of your gains will be fat, over a year you're in a great place if you put on 10 to 15 pounds of muscle as a new lifter. As for calves they're largely genetic, and very difficult to put mass on as the size directly relates to the length of the calf muscle or how low it reaches down towards your ankle.
  • I'm lucky enough to be on Remicade and really have very few symptoms, I'm about 220 on average and fairly musclar. That said when I was flaring up I was struggling not to lose weight, I was lifting at the time 5 days a week and went from 210 to about 175 in 3 months. So I guess the answer is it depends on the state of your…
  • I'm going to Mexico on August 5th, do my goal is to drop from 221 to 210, I started about a week and a half ago, looking to lose about 1.5 pounds to 2 pounds a week. I'm at about 217.5 right now, going well. Been very strict on the gym going 4 or 5 times a week hitting every muscle group and diet, keeping about 40%protein,…
  • Rope pulls, and doing some rotator cuff exercises with 5 pound weights are a great way to help your shoulders. Obviously I don't know your specific issues but ever since if dislocated my left shoulder doing 100lb dumbbells over head pressing I do these before any shoulder or chest movement, I've had very few issues since…
  • I'm going to Mexico on August 5th, do my goal is to drop from 221 to 210, I started about a week and a half ago, looking to lose about 1.5 pounds a week. I'm at about 217.5 right now, going well. Been very strict on the gym going 4 or 5 times a week hitting every muscle group and diet, keeping about 40%protein, 30%carbs,…
  • My starting weight is 222 4 weeks ago My current weight is 214.5 I plan to be 210 by the time I go to Pax
  • Today I'm 214.8lbs Started at 222lbs 3.5 weeks ago
  • Keep up the good work man. I have a friend of mine who was once 330lbs, he's now down to about 200, took him a few years, but it's something that can and will be done with the right attitude, diet, and exercise.
  • Eat a calorie excess with a lot of protein, try for equal to your body weight in pounds for grams of protein and try to eat 300 extra calories then you need to maintain your weight each day. Everyone is different though, so keep track of your progress. Also obviously work out, lift weights in medium to high Rep ranges. Try…
  • I started about 2 and a half weeks ago, I weighed 222lbs and was 20% body fat, today I'm at 217lbs My goal is 210 at 14% bf