seashellbabe Member


  • Thank you everyone for all of the amazing feedback. I really appreciate so much genuine support & knowledge rather than just screaming at me to "get help." I am fully aware of the dangers of mental health disorders, it's actually something I'm involved in (in high school I started a human rights/youth empowerment group…
  • Thank you everyone for the suggestions :) I definitely am gonna work out & get a personal trainer, but I'd like to tackle my eating first because it's both the root of the problem & extremely important for my weight. After all, it's 80% diet & 20% exercise :) I'm thinking of going vegan, & making a huge effort to eat less…
  • 1400-1500, and no I'm not working out but I applied for a gym membership. I think in a lot of ways I'm scared of working out because I don't want to see the scale go up, even if it's muscle. It's irrational and makes little sense
  • Not at all like I'm at war, if anything I love food too much. I don't avoid it. My counselor believes that when I do diet & count calories it puts this rigid systematic image into my mind & once that image is messed up (I go over my calories, I get super hungry so I have to eat more, etc.) all hell breaks loose.
  • Thank you for the comments about getting counseling, and I think I should've elaborated in the OP. I have been getting counseling and I'm aware of the dangers of binge eating. That's actually why I'm here, because my therapist told me to pursue new concrete ways to manage weight without triggering bingeing like through…
  • Based off of the mixed reviews for the Taylor, I'll use the other one because it was almost twice as much as the Taylor so I assume it'll work better. Thank you!