atowinram Member


  • I am a depressive bipolar (diagnosed in '96...stable since 2010) and have seen my share of meds. Supposedly weight-neutral SSRI's always blew me up like a balloon. Prozac, Celexa, Paxil, Lexapro...same result on all of them. I would gain 30 lbs in less than 3 months, then only lose 15 of it when I went off. I tend to lose…
  • I usually give myself an extra calorie margin those first few days. I always shoot for my goal, but don't beat myself up if I land in that margin at the end of the day. Dark chocolate is definitely a lifesaver for the cravings!
  • If your calorie intake is correct and you are not blowing your goals, then it just might be a case of building muscle. If that's the case, judge your weight loss by how your clothes fit and not a scale for a month or two. :-)
  • The most important thing is to be doing it for yourself (to be healthy, have more energy, improve your self-image). If you do it to gain the approval of another person or to "show them" that you can do it, then it will be a hollow victory. The power to define your "success" will be in another person's hands and not your…
  • If you don't want to do the "no bun" thing, ask for the cheese on the bottom, lose the top half of the bun, cut the burger in half, flip one half on the other, and create a double decker! :-)
  • Drop your carbs to 25% of your diet will take off 5 lbs water weight. Just be sure to compensate the calories with some natural fats (meats & hard cheeses) and a little extra protein so your body doesn't go into starvation mode. Gentle detox tea can also help with abdominal bloating. Good luck!
  • Wow, any one of those would be a challenge, much less all three! If you need a buddy to shout out to when you are frustrated, feel free to add me!
  • I am BPII (20 years since diagnosed; stable for 12 years)...pregnancy & bipolar are tricky, so don't beat yourself up too much. If your prenatal vitamins make you nauseated, you can take regular b-complex to at least help offset the depressive swings. As for the slightly manic/anxiety swings, the antihistamine is the best…