Sashslay Member


  • Love love love this! I'm right there with ya!
  • Wish I could had some inspirational story but really I want to walk into a clothing shop and not be scared to try something on :) ( also I want my *kitten* to look good in shorts haha )
  • I take a slightly different approach! I eat mostly fruit and vegetables.....because I want to fit in my weakness of chocolate mousse haha Find a way to make the booze work for you! Don't look at your diary as a chore. Try to see it as a way of examining what you're eating and figuring out how you can fit more of what you…
  • Good luck sister! I mean if your calories in are lower than the calories your calories out then yeah it'll work I guess! It's not very healthy, and you'll be lacking a whole heap of vitamins and minerals
  • 10kgs down 10 to go!
  • This is my jerk scale right now! Here's hoping it goes down. I'm being honest with my tracking and sticking to the process, if my calories in are less then my calories out I should be losing weight! I'm trying to trust the system! Fingers crossed when I weigh myself today we see some progress
  • This Just buy one or two at at time and wear them till they're just too big and then go back and buy some more, it's super frustrating!
  • Hey! I'm active on my page with daily updates :) feel free to add me!
  • My mouth is already watering!
  • I am a salt fanatic, specifically hot chips! I live for fried food but obviously can't have it. I also love seafood. My go to salt quencher is... ...anchovies. 1 whole tin :#
  • I retain all the water available on earth, weigh in at ungodly numbers higher than I should and live out of tubs of chocolate mousse. So really, no
  • For me long term weight loss comes from eating what I want! The idea being that if I want to maintain my weight after I hit my goal weight, I need to develop those habits now. So I eat my pastas, chocolate mousse, fruits and veggies but I make sure to accurately log everything. I watch my serving sizes, drink a large…
  • Heyo! 26 with about 26lbs to lose!
  • It means some days you'll weigh more! Some days you'll weigh less. You won't drop weight consistently forever. Maybe in the beginning? But not forever. When you start you may see the scale go down every day, but eventually due to environment or personal circumstances it'll go up...then down.... ....then up.... ..then down.…
  • Anime geek here! <3 <3 currently boarding the Yuri on Ice train B)
  • Fieeeeerceeeee :p
  • THIS This happened to me in a big way. I'm the same as you, set to 1200 calories. I was teaching at the time I started and just didn't get enough time to eat during the day so I was often below my calorie minimum by a lot. Everything became harder for me, even walking up the stairs to my apartment, carrying the groceries,…
  • This is me 3 out of 7 days a week! Just gotta trust the system. As long as your calories in are less than your calories out the weight loss will happen. It may not happen on a daily basis or even a weekly basis in my case but it'll be there. For me Atleast I always look at my start weight and where I am now as a way of…
  • I literally stand in the isle, reading the nutritional info on the back, get angry that I can't afford to eat it and then walk away dejectedly haha. I do this every time I shop but I always feel really satisfied after I leave the store. Don't give up what you want for what you want right now.
  • So glad I found this thread!! I'm the same currently. Im coming off a huge weekend and can't seem to budge the 2 pounds I've gained. I'm trying not to freak out. The best way to get on track is simply to get back on track I think. I'm just logging my food as I normally would and trusting the system. Drinking heaps of…
  • Thank you! I really needed to read this today
  • Thanks guys! It was my anniversary weekend in Brussels. My boyfriend just has to walk everywhere, good news for my weight loss! Our end count was 69577! We're both limping everywhere for the next week I think :D
  • I experienced this recently!!! Up to number 2. I put it down to not reaching my minimum calorie goal. Any time I feel it coming on, I eat a tablespoon of peanut butter. Within about 15 minutes I begin to fee better.
  • My advice is don't restrict your diet! You want chocolate, eat the chocolate! As long as your calories in is less than your calories out you'll still lose weight! :) don't stress!
  • I smash jars of chocolate mousse and record every one haha!
  • I didn't let the mirror tell me, I let my clothes! And unfortunately my bra :s
  • Hey Ellie, I'm 26 and also love cats and sloths B)
  • Girl Arabic food is the greatest food on earth! If I were you I'd be smashing that fatoush down and forgetting all about keno haha But seriously I get the loss of motivation. I was like that too, forever giving up because it was easier to go back to the way I was. My mantra right now is "don't give up what you want for…
  • Shark week here too! I weigh in kilos and I'm up 1.5kg from my weight on Monday. I'm trying not to freak out though, I know it's probably water retention.