Catawampous Member


  • See diannethegeek's post!
  • What type of fitness? I run and ride my bicycle along with some strength training and yoga. I chose a Garmin Forerunner 35 because it had everything I wanted in a fitness tool for what I do.
  • I hesitated for a few months for basically the same reasons as you. I had friends with fitbits that were constantly fiddling with them and they seemed to be an annoyance. I was doing a lot of reading both here and online reviews of all different types of devices but wouldn't commit and wasn't sure I wanted/needed one. My…
  • If you consider my commute I come close to that. Around 50 hours I would say. That doesn't include overtime if it happens or weekends I am scheduled to work. I am usually up at 4AM. I live on 5 acres with a dog, 2 horses and 10 chickens so they have to be taken care of before work and after I get home and hubby wants…
  • Evening! Work is killing me. Is it Friday yet? Cardio - 30 minute walk/jog. 180 cals roughly. Strength - Kettlebell swings 10/12/20 Goblet squats - 3/5/20 Assessment - Pretty good day! Sirloin fillet and stir fried shroom and peppers for dinner.
  • Stop reading them. It's hogwash! If you change your lifestyle and are commited to do that the weight comes off and stays off. If you stop paying attention at your goal weight and revert back to old habits you will gain it back.
  • @SkeeAtWork2017 - Ouch! I know I am dreading the Florida heat and humidity. Am really afraid of what it is going to do to my running and cycling! Cardio - nothing today Strength - Kettlebell swings 10/10/20 Goblet squats - 5/5/20 OHP - 5/4/50 - Failure! Deadlifts - 1/5/100 Assessment - It was a good day! Taco salad tonight!
  • Hey ho!! How"s everyone doing? Cardio ~ kinda lol. Today is rest day for me but I still like to do a little something to keep my head in the game! I rode my bike today for about 30 min. Nice leisurely pace and just enjoyed the pretty day. And I did not freeze so bonus for that! Strength ~ Nada Assessment ~ Good eating…
  • What started me going was the realization that for years I blamed everything from getting older to the anxiety meds I was on to the sky being blue for my weight problems. I was a fit kid and young adult. I got fat because I got lazy. I stopped moving and playing soccer and became a food eating couch sitting Mt Dew junkie.…
  • Holy cow ya'll are kickin' it!! Keep it up! I have been stuck in FAHREEZING Florida weather. Heck some places even had snow! Came down here from Pittsburgh so you would think I would breeze right through. Not so! I don't own the winter wear anymore LOL. Cardio - walk/jog ~ 30 min = 150 cals roughly. BRRRRR. Was slow and…
  • Hey hey!! Merry Christmas and a soon to come Happy New Year!!! Cardio: Walk/jog 30 minutes - 110 cals roughly. Was a sluggish work out. Strength - Goblet squats 3/5/20 Kettlebell swings 10/10/20 Assessment - Complete rubbish for the last few days. Have one more party. But until then it's back on track! Hope you all are…
  • Wow. $118 just for leggings? Nope. Not me. I sweat, fall down, tear mine when I am running outside in the woods. I would be major pissed. Work out wear isnt an investment to me. It's stuff I wear to get grubby in. Now shoes and jeans? Probably!! :p
  • Garmin. I researched Garmin and Fitbits. Most of my friends have Fitbits. I went with Garmin. They all said I screwed up. I LOVE my Garmin but I am the only one that prefers outdoor activities so maybe thats why. I dont know but definitely love my Garmin. Can't speak to the Apple as I don't use any of their products.
  • I definitely have noticed an adjustment with mine. It is going on 3 weeks now and just over the last couple of days has seemed to even out and be pretty steady.
  • Maybe this will help? I have MFP set to sedentary and have enabled negative adjustments. My Garmin is on 3 based on the info in that link. So far so good but I don't run or bike near as much as you all.
  • Yes please ... wear underwear. I work at a University. Let me tell you ... wear underwear! Cause ... TMI if you don't!
  • Hmmmm ... now I am a little confused too. Maybe this will help OR I am about to throw a wrench into this without realizing it! I am new to this aspect of MFP myself so if I am wrong someone please correct me! My Garmin is 2 weeks old. When I got it and set it up I enabled negative calorie adjustments and set MFP from…
  • Hey guys! Holidays are screwing me up time wise! I want my life back please! Steps - 17081 Cardio - None Strength - Goblet squats 4/5/20 lbs. I actually had to do these in my kitchen as I was cooking dinner at 8pm! Assessment - Not a good day! Nutritionally poor. Stayed within my calories but was full of eating on the run…
  • Whale fat? Lol. I have been keto for over a year and have yet to consume whale fat! I am beginning to think I am a weird keto person though so maybe that is my problem. I don't *drink* fat like bulletproof coffees or downing drinks with added olive oils or coconut oil. YUCK! I pretty much eat the things I love and get on…
  • HI HI!! Busy day today! Work was making me nutso. Steps - 16120 and I still have a couple hours of household work yet to do. Cardio - 30 min walk/jog. 180 cals roughly. Strength - Kettlebell swings 10/12/20 lbs Goblet squats 4/5/20 lbs. Assessment - Pretty decent day! Baked pork chops with boiled cabbage and butter with…
  • Thanks for letting me know guys! Work today so my time is limited. Well really thats Monday through Friday! Lol Cardio - None Steps - 14805 so far. I'm not done yet! Lol Strength - Kettlebell swings: 10 sets 10 reps 20 lbs; Goblet squat: 3 sets 5 reps 20 lbs: Bench Press 5x5 100 lbs: Barbell Rows; 5x5 70 lbs *I do not have…
  • Say what? What is oil pulling? Ok nevermind. Google is my friend.
  • *peeks in* Can anyone join this thread or is it just for long time athletes and MFPers?
  • I went back and forth with the idea of this for a few months. Hubby pulled the trigger for me last weekend and got me a Garmin Forerunner 35 that was on sale. I didnt really want a Fitbit. Guess I saw too many threads of problems with them and a friend of mine is always futzin around with hers. I absolutely love it!…
  • I saw someone log their calories for sleeping once. Was amazed MFP actually had a calorie burn for it. That was before I knew people just put in random stuff.
  • For goodness sake ... keto way of eating here and I had half a baked potato the other night! I am also doing some experiments with myself and downed some caramel M&M's before a run to see how I feel, if it makes a difference to me and also my sugar tolerance. I have done fallen off that keto wagon! *eye roll* No longer a…
  • Girl you got this!! I am SO so happy to see you happy! It has been a ride but you got yourself settled and that is THE most important thing. BTW my newsfeed is full of joy when you are around! I can't always respond but I wanted you to know that!
  • I would retest for sure then. Also anytime you lose weight no matter what way you choose to do it can cause this. Are you eating at your calorie goal all the time? How is your protein? How about fat? Are you getting enough from fish avacados, nuts, etc?
  • What do I do? Marvel at how much snot my face can hold! I kid you not. It's AHmazing! With that out of the way I am a broth girl. Salt is my thing when I am sick. Feel better soon!!
  • CICO rules every way of eating. I eat keto because I like it and like the food. And so far my brain is fine. Although I will admit the hubby questions it often ;. And cortisol levels are good according to my Doc. YMMV of course.