shayminhog Member


  • Me too! For anyone in the UK, Sainsburys do a meal range called Oh my Goodness and they are delicious, balanced and usually below 380 calories. I have one for lunch and one for dinner (there's a big range) and then use the rest of my calories on breakfast and snacks which I usually vary too. Honestly, I couldn't recommend…
  • Me too! I'm 1600 to maintain and it's so annoying!
  • It all depends on how many calories your cheat meal was and how many calories you'd saved the rest of the week. If you'd eaten a deficit of 1000 in the week and banked those calories for weight loss, but then over ate by 1000 calories in your cheat meal it would not give you a loss for that week. I usually have a…
  • So what would you recommend for me to do? Do you have anything that doesn't involve the hip/pelvic area? Thank you :)
  • Really didn't mean any offence... I'm just trying to learn. I ultimately just want to get what you've got and I'm trying to find out how. I'm sorry
  • I don't mean they're easy to get, I just don't know if it's possible to gain muscle in areas without too much bulking - like you answered with your waistline comment :) I'm a complete novice, I don't know what's possible for me or how to get there. (All I know is I'm managing to grow some pretty impressive guns almost…
  • Thanks so much, I didn't know that- do you have any idea what weight I'd need to reach to get there? I'm 5'2" and 8st8 and I already feel quite small... I'm by no means underweight but I also don't want to look crazy skinny- that's why I wanted to go down the fit/toned route from now :)
  • Wow! Good job you! Thanks very much :) x