jesspen91 Member


  • I tend to prefer a t-shirt at the gym for just that reason. I really like (I'm in the UK, not sure about their shipping situation) Lots of brands to look at and there's often a sale on.
  • Lateral band walks are great. I walk the length of the gym and back and my glutes are on fire!
  • Another yes to mirrors here.
  • My go to is usually half fat creme fraiche
  • I'm on 1,410 calorie. I try to keep my macros more or less equal percentage-wise as I've found this is most sustainable for me but you need to just play around with them a bit to find what is the most satisfying balance for you. I aim for around: Carbs: 125 grams Protein: 100 grams Fat: 55 grams
    in Macros Comment by jesspen91 January 2019
  • Breakfast: Porridge with cocoa powder and blueberries Lunch: Chicken wrap with sundried tomatoes, olives, capers and light mayo Dinner: Vietnamese sticky rice and pork (takeaway) Snack: Fibre one chocolate fudge brownie Drinks: 1.5 pints of beer
  • Weirdest thing I ever ate was possum in Australia. I found a USDA entry right at the bottom of the list past a lot of cafes and burger joints called Possums and some homemade Possum pies. At 168 calories per 100g it's quite high calorie. Probably why they only served it in tiny portions.
  • Yeah I think the recommendations are silly. There is variation in how much your body processes water based on weight, climate, diet etc. People should not be squemish and just judge by their pee whether they are hydrated. Is your pee light? You're hydrated enough. Is your pee dark? Drink some water. It's a simple as that.
  • Last week a man who was old enough to be my grandfather watched me doing hip thrusts and said in a really creepy way. "Well done girl. Are you feeling the burn?" I almost threw up a bit!
  • 01/01/19 – Running – 32:09 minutes 02/01/19 – Lifting – 49:29 minutes 05/01/19 – Running – 32:10 minutes 06/01/19 - Lifting - 32:10 minutes 06/01/19 - Yoga - 40:00 minutes 08/01/19 - Running - 15:56 minutes 08/01/19 - Yoga - 39:35 minutes 09/01/19 - Lifting - 46:23 minutes 11/01/19 - Running - 30:27 minutes 12/01/19 -…
  • It's been a week since I checked in and wow this group moves fast! Last week my schedule was Monday: Cross training (lifting) Tuesday: Speed training on treadmill, 35 minutes Wednesday: Rest Thursday: 6k run, 44 minutes Friday: Cross training (lifting) Saturday: Parkrun (31:56!!!) Sunday: Fartlek on treadmill, 30 minutes I…
  • STARTING WEIGHT AND DATE WITH MFP (MY FITNESS PAL):152lbs 2016 CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT:137.2 Jan. 7: 137.2 Jan. 14:134.8 Jan. 21:136 Jan. 28: January Goal: January Actual: Feb. 4: Feb. 11: Feb. 18: Feb. 25: February Goal: February Actual: Mar. 4: Mar. 11: Mar. 18: Mar. 25: March Goal: March Actual: Apr. 1: Apr. 8: Apr.…
  • I weigh everyday and look at the average. I can't make head nor tale of my weigh-ins so I might as well average it to avoid those weird blips. Example Saturday I was well within my calories, drank lots of water, one bottle of beer - Sunday morning I am 3lbs up Yesterday I went round a friend's for dinner, drank half a…
  • Fibre One bars are so good! How have they managed to make such a tasty brownie for 90 calories? Love their carrot cake bars too.
  • Fartlek 5K on the treadmill
  • Yep, I always use two stacked aerobic steps for hip thrusts. I'm too short to use a bench!
  • Probably what has happened is that you have lost weight on your lower body and your shoulders now just look bigger in comparison. If you are still carrying fat around your shoulders they will reduce as you continue to lose weight if your shoulders are bone that's just how your structure is and you won't be able to change…
  • My boyfriend is away tonight so it's leftovers for me. Shepherd's pie!
  • I could eat eggs and refried beans in a wrap anytime!
  • I would increase the height of the step and use the same dumbbells.
  • Weight distribution is different for everyone. You shouldn't focus just on your face just as you shouldn't focus just on your stomach or just on your hips, back etc.
  • I've recently discovered Fibre One bars. I'm in the UK so I don't know if they have them where you are but I love them. They are like small cake bars and come in lots of flavours for 80-100 calories per bar. My favourite are the carrot cake flavour but I've also tried and enjoyed chocolate, salted caramel and lemon drizzle.
  • A lot of it is genetics. My RHR has always been on the low side even when I was a lot less fit. When I was a teen it was bordering on too low. My friend, on the other hand. Has always been very active. She goes to the gym 6 days a week and has run marathons. However, her RHR and blood pressure have always been high and she…
  • This is mostly true but I think the main difference is that men and women have different priorities when it comes to physique. I think both should definitely be doing compound lifts but in terms of accessories I would rather spend time working on my glutes and hamstrings than biceps and lats. A lot of traditional lifting…
  • I agree. I used to get peckish at night until my boyfriend started having to work late and now we don't eat dinner until 8 or 9pm. I have breakfast at 10am, lunch at 2pm and dinner at 8pm/9pm and don't feel the need to snack like I did when my meal schedule was 7am, 12pm, 6pm. Obviously this depends on work/life schedules…
  • Mushrooms! They really bulk up a meal for minimal calories.
  • Yesterday: Breakfast: Natural yogurt with banana, peanuts and honey Lunch: Mushroom and feta frittata Dinner: Broccoli, chicken and potato bake Snacks: Twix cookie My boyfriend was annoyed at me for bringing cookies into the house but it's not my fault if I can limit myself to one when he has 3!
  • I have limited freezer space but I tend to batch cook in the short term. I'll usually cook a double portion for dinner (most recipes are for 4 anyway and there's only two of us in our household) and then I box up the extra portions and just keep them in the fridge for a few days having them for lunch/dinner the next day.
  • Haha no matter how lean I got I would always fail this test cos boobs!
  • BBC Good Food is so good! New recipes all the time. Recipes are in GRAMS rather than cups/tbsp/handfuls or whatever confusing inaccurate measure. And you get just the recipe not the creators life story!