amybethjack Member


  • Since I started eating keto I've been having this issue, too. All the proteins and fats make me so much more full than the carbs ever did. I'm learning to enjoy some of the "treats" such as heavy whipping cream in my coffee and ooey, gooey cheese on more foods than ever before. I average around 1150 calories most days.
  • I have not tried it. I couldn't decide between pizza and chicken for dinner tonight so I filleted the chicken breasts thin, cooked them through then topped them with the pizza toppings I was craving, including homemade pizza sauce, and broiled them. I couldn't pick it up like pizza but it sure hit the spot.
  • Hey, I'm curious... How has everyone calculated their macros? What app or website did you use?
  • I've been eating keto for about three months. Down 36 pounds and 7 inches in my waist and feel more energetic than I have in years. Love that I get to eat the creamy, cheesy food I like and still lose weight without feeling deprived. I share my food diary and wouldn't mind more keto friends so go ahead and add me.
  • Zucchini, mushrooms and garlic sauted with olive oil and seasonings, topped with parmesan cheese.
  • I've been eating keto for a bit more than three months. I really like it because I've always favored the creamy sauces and foods with melty cheese and keto allows me to eat those. I've also had a problem with the way my body handles carbs (pre-diabetic and inability to stop myself from eating them) so keto addresses that…
  • I met with a new doctor for the first time this week. I've been eating keto for three months and although I was excited to report a 30 pound loss in that time I was really concerned what a professional would say about the food choices. It surprised me when he said that he, too, eats keto. He does it for the energy and…
  • Starting weight: 284.6 Goal weight: 149.6 Current weight: 256.6 Total weight lost: 28.0 04/30/18 284.6 Starting weight. First day of new way of eating 05/07/18 276.2 -8.4 Eating keto now. Adjusting to high fat diet instead of low fat is a challenge to meal planning. 05/14/18 272.6 -3.6 Still trying to figure out this keto…
  • I was craving a chai tea latte so I made my own... Brewed chai tea (6oz h2o, 1 tea bag) and let it seep for a few minutes. Meanwhile I warmed 6 tbsp hwc. Mix them both together with some Truvia and blend to a froth, just like BPC. Somehow this new woe doesn't feel like a diet!
  • I started getting comments at about ten pounds, which really surprised me since I started so high (who can really see a difference between 284 and 274?) but those comments were coming from people who knew I was trying. At about twenty-three pounds I got a call from my ex-sister-in-law who saw a picture of me on facebook.…
  • Sounds similar to me. About 15-20 years ago I was having trouble swallowing and my GP sent me to a specialist who did an endoscopy. The inside of my esophogus was bleeding from the acid erosion. The Dr started me on aciphex, which I took for a few years until my insurance changed and no longer covered the medicine so…
  • It took me a couple weeks to get a handle on my macros and how to eat keto. I also had a couple week stall that started about three weeks in. Keep in mind that even if your weight is stalled that doesn't mean you are. I lost three inches in my waist while gaining back eight pounds during my "stall". Weight loss is not a…
  • My food diary is shared. Please take a look, if you want.
  • I eat to 1400 calories and my macros are 5% carbs (under 20g net), 20% protien (50-60g) and 75% fat (117g+). I've read that too much protien will convert to glucose and stall ketosis. I'm no expert but if you are stalling that might be worth looking into.
  • I dove in and cut my carbs to less than 20 right from day one. I hit a day or two of "keto flu" but the weight loss (and inches loss) kicked in right away because I pushed my body into ketosis. I felt so much better and quit craving the carbs within the first week.
  • I've been eating keto for ten weeks (down 27 pounds) and like you I feel amazing. I sleep better, wake more refreshed, am less depressed, etc. People are noticing not only my weight loss but my peppy attitude as well.
  • Under "goals" you can adjust your calories and percentages for your macros. I have mine set at 1400 calories (my BMR) and carbs at 5%, protien at 20% and fat at 75%. With the free version of MFP I don't know if you can set it up to count net carbs but I list fiber as one of the things I track in my diary so that I can…
  • I've been eating keto for ten weeks and I'm down 27 pounds and six inches in my waist - I count that as a success :smiley: One of the things I missed the most when I stopped eating carbs is crackers/chips but I've found homemade cheese crisps to be an excellent substitution (and often tastier). I place 1-1.5 inch slices…
  • Check out this link. I make this and add things to it such as almond pieces or unsweetened coconut (or both)
  • Thanks! I love that I can share this with people who are on the same journey, to eat well and get healthier.
  • I'm in! I've been eating keto for ten weeks and I'm down about 27 pounds so far. I'd love more keto friends, too, so feel free to add me (I share my food diary). Enjoy my newest favorite... Creamy Parmesan Sauce Makes 8 servings (Per serving: 179 calories, 17 fat, 3 carbs, 0 fiber, 5 protien) Tastes great on almost…
  • Starting weight: 284.6 Goal weight: 149.6 Current weight: 257.4 Total weight lost: 27.2 04/30/18 284.6 Starting weight. First day of new way of eating 05/07/18 276.2 -8.4 Eating keto now. Adjusting to high fat diet instead of low fat is a challenge to meal planning. 05/14/18 272.6 -3.6 Still trying to figure out this keto…
  • Starting weight: 284.6 Goal weight: 149.6 Current weight: 258.0 Total weight lost: 26.6 04/30/18 284.6 Starting weight. First day of new way of eating 05/07/18 276.2 -8.4 Eating keto now. Adjusting to high fat diet instead of low fat is a challenge to meal planning. 05/14/18 272.6 -3.6 Still trying to figure out this keto…
  • I'm looking to lose 135 in total. I've been following keto for two months and I'm down 25 pounds so far. I don't exercise and I have an open diary. Feel free to add me, especially if you are also following keto.
  • I hit my first mini-milestone today... 25 pounds lost. 25.4 to be exact. It's amazing how much of a difference it makes in my energy, the way my clothes fit, my attitude, everything. My ex-sister-in-law saw a picture I posted on facebook last week and called just to tell me how great I'm looking. A friend who hasn't seen…
  • I've been eating keto for two months. I've lost 25 pounds and six inches in my waist and so far I'm loving it. Feel free to add me (especially if you share your food diary since I like to look at others to get ideas for myself).
  • Re-reading the outlander books by Diana Gabaldon while I wait for Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult to be available from my local library.