chelseymorris185 Member


  • I eat mine back! I'm 5' 4" and weigh 115-118. With excercise I do daily, I eat about 3000 calories per day. (This is including eating what I burn) To maintain weight you want input to be equal to output. To lose weight input needs to be less that output. To gain weight output needs to be less than input.
  • I don't their either is "better" it depends what your body goals are.
  • Nevermind I found out how^^
  • Cattofthegarage, I don't know how to do the thing where I quote what you said and what not. I am by no means eating fewer carbs, I track daily and none of that has changed. It was my Doctors idea that I cut Gluten even though my blood test was negative. That happens very often. The best way to 100% diagnose is to look at…
  • So guys... turns out it's Gluten They wanna do a couple more tests because my Celiac was negative. But I've cut Gluten out of my diet and bloating has gone WAY down. Still a tad bloated since I haven't been using the restroom like normal. Feeling so much better!
  • I lost a ton of weight after having a baby dropping from 145lbs to 108 lbs nursing! (Exercising too of course) So I started to bulk when I hit 108 because I felt like I was way too skinny and unhealthy looking. Now I fluctuate from 116-119 and feel awesome!:)
  • Not bloated, these two are bloated. I have thought about an intolerance to some food as well, just don't know what it could be since I have never had this problem until the last few months. Maybe I should start excluding some things to determine what it may be, or see a doc.
  • After a baby, 145lbs Now! 116lbs
  • Thank you Rhaiin! I am going to check that out FOR SURE! Trigden, I am not overweight, I am actually in very good shape and do quite intesnse workout sessions 6x/week. That is why I'm a little mind boggled! I also eat very healthy, very rare on processed foods, don't eat out much, lots of fruits and veggies, I meet my…
  • I haven't! Where would I find them?
  • 108 is not healthy for someone who is 5' 4". I am the same height and When I was breast feeding I hit 108 and I looked horrible. So skinny and hardly any muscle. It's so hard to get through girls minds that weight DOES NOT MATTER. It is how you look!!! Skinny is different than fit. I weight 112lbs and in this picture am I…
  • I'm 5' 4" and currently 112lbs. I would LOVE to be 117lbs!! Muscle muscle!! :)
  • Are you looking for more calories?? I eat 2400 calories per day. I'm very active weighing 110-112 lbs