SezLennox Member


  • Yes! It really can ruin a whole week of progress and that's why I don't include "cheat days" in general. Weekends can be too tempting/lacking in routine haha :# It sounds like you've found your rhythm and have a good plan in place, good luck!!! Keep us posted xxx
  • "I always look up the menu online before I go to the restaurant. That way once I'm there I don't need to look at the menu and I can just order. I look at the nutrition info and just choose what fits best into my day then. :)" [/quote] Online menu! Genius, I never think to look online for menus and nutrition values, I just…
  • Hi Gafford101, personally I think it's important to remember that you've already come so far and try and build on that positivity! It must be harder when you don't eat meat, what sort of alternatives do you use in your meals? I get days when I feel lethargic and sluggish but it's not every day and not unbearably so either.…
  • Booo! Trying to avoid cravings is hard! What sort of things do you do to avoid them?
  • I take 2000mg of Metformin a day :o and I find it hard to stick to too because it can make me nauseous/tired! My doctor recommended 'slow release' version? I must admit though, it has helped me to lose a little weight! Pros and cons, pros and cons! :#
  • That made me giggle, you must have so much willpower to resist the goodies! :D
  • Wow, Liz! Well done on the first time ever weight losses! I love your attitude to life. You are so right, restaurants are a whole new battle/temptation. I try to go the 'ignorance is bliss' route and only read the salads section but who am I eyes see eeeeverything. >:) Any tips people?