Polycystic ovaries support thread

Hey ladies, for us unlucky ones with polycystic ovaries part of our symptoms can be finding it harder to lose weight healthily and even easier to gain. So I think we need to band together, share our successes and cushion the blow of our failures. We can do this! B)

So hi, my name is Sarah. I'm 25, 4'11" and my consultant wants me to lose one more stone (14lbs). I love running but find it hard not to snack after.

Tell me about you? What's your story? What motivates you and what journey do you see in front of you? Let's help each other get there!

Much love x <3


  • TanyaHooton
    TanyaHooton Posts: 249 Member
    Cam you snack on carrots or cucumbers afterward? Not a lot of calories for the volume.
  • sumlucero
    sumlucero Posts: 13 Member
    Have PCOS since 18 but my weight just blew after I have started baking cakes and pastries. I figured sweets are really not for me. So i just bake and resist eating the goodies. Lols!

    Then I scrapped ready to drink juice and sodas as well. Cut back on fruits high in fructose. My doctor also recommended I take metformine to help in regulating and processing sugar. I havent taken the meds for some time though coz it makes me feel really lethargic.

    I guess it's hard to part with sweets specially if we have hormonal imbalance. But we really have to do it coz women with PCOS have hard time processing sugar into energy making it difficult to lose weight. Sad but buhbye donuts. :)
  • SezLennox
    SezLennox Posts: 8 Member
    Elms3321 wrote: »
    I'm Liz. I'm 30 and for the first time ever, I am losing weight with the app. I have had PCOS since I was 15. I was hit with Hashimoto's at 28. I love my life anyway. I want to lose 80 or so pounds. I have mastered healthy eating at home. Next step: beating the restaurant battle.

    Wow, Liz! Well done on the first time ever weight losses! I love your attitude to life. You are so right, restaurants are a whole new battle/temptation. I try to go the 'ignorance is bliss' route and only read the salads section but who am I kidding...my eyes see eeeeverything. >:)

    Any tips people?
  • gafford101
    gafford101 Posts: 10 Member
    I have pcos and hashimoto as well...I've never had weight problems until these diagnosis. Now im exhausted and trying to lose wight while craving sweets and carbs. ..yuck
  • SezLennox
    SezLennox Posts: 8 Member
    sumlucero wrote: »
    Have PCOS since 18 but my weight just blew after I have started baking cakes and pastries. I figured sweets are really not for me. So i just bake and resist eating the goodies. Lols!

    That made me giggle, you must have so much willpower to resist the goodies! :D
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Just an FYI, we have a PCOS group here on the site that is active and has lots of information: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/3070-p-c-o-sis
  • SezLennox
    SezLennox Posts: 8 Member
    sumlucero wrote: »
    My doctor also recommended I take metformine to help in regulating and processing sugar. I havent taken the meds for some time though coz it makes me feel really lethargic.

    I take 2000mg of Metformin a day :o and I find it hard to stick to too because it can make me nauseous/tired! My doctor recommended 'slow release' version? I must admit though, it has helped me to lose a little weight! Pros and cons, pros and cons! :#
  • SezLennox
    SezLennox Posts: 8 Member
    gafford101 wrote: »
    I have pcos and hashimoto as well...I've never had weight problems until these diagnosis. Now im exhausted and trying to lose wight while craving sweets and carbs. ..yuck

    Booo! Trying to avoid cravings is hard! What sort of things do you do to avoid them?
  • gafford101
    gafford101 Posts: 10 Member
    I also take 2000mg xr met a day and my thyroid meds...i drpped 25 lb and then gained back 5...i dont eat meat so it can be hard, and sometimes i gag when i eat certain foods like salad (which i used to love) since i started the meds....im just now trying to get back on the band wagon as ive been giving into the cravings and now im feeling and looking less healthy again....plus ttc wo luck....time to refocus on my health and happiness.
    I just want my energy back, but i feel like a slug...anyone else experience that?
  • SezLennox
    SezLennox Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Gafford101, personally I think it's important to remember that you've already come so far and try and build on that positivity! It must be harder when you don't eat meat, what sort of alternatives do you use in your meals?
    I get days when I feel lethargic and sluggish but it's not every day and not unbearably so either. Can you ask your doctor for any tips or advice on the gagging?
    Sorry to hear you're not having luck, I'm sending you happy thoughts and hope your luck improves!
  • gafford101
    gafford101 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks SezLennox! A friend of mine was saying she had similar problems where there were days her body only let her eat carbs. ...i am focused on Excercise right now to burn the carbs off since i can't cut them out and pcos and carbs are bad together. ..i try to eat fish and nuts in place of meat. And moderation of course!
  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    Hi I'm Christina and I also have PCOS. If I'm not actively trying to lose weight then I'm gaining it. It can be a real struggle. New to this site today and maybe seeing others go through the same thing will encourage me to always push harder.
  • caseyhaar
    caseyhaar Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All! I was diagnosed with PCOS years ago. I was on Metformin when I was trying to conceive, but have been off of it for the last year and a half. Not sure if it truly affected my weight. Any way, I'm at my heaviest weight ever and I am desperate to get rid of it. My body aches so much!

    I've been using the MFP app and I've lost a couple of pounds just from keeping at 1200-1500 calories per day for the last couple weeks. I've found that eating the same things everyday helps me keep those calories in check. Dinner is usually something different. I've also added FitMiss protein powder shakes (with milk) to get the extra protein in.

    It's an uphill battle, but now that my appetite has decreased, I'm going to add the FIRM workouts back into my routine.

    Weekends are the most difficult for me. We like to go out to dinner and have a few drinks on the weekends. I find that those extra calories really destroy all that I have worked for over the week.
  • Hi girls!

    This was amazing to read. I'm 25 and waa diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17. I also have epilepsy. So the symptoms of PCOS make it harder to lose weight and the tablets im on for my epilepsy increase my appetite but reduce my metabolism. So im hit with a double blow. So far I have lost 40lbs but I've been told by my consultant im still considered as obese and want me to lose more. I am 5ft4 and weigh 172 lbs.

    I feel that women without PCOS kind of laugh at me when I explain the problems it causes and think that im using it as an excuse as to why I haven't lost weight quicker - it's taken me three years to lose the weight.

    Reading this thread has really helped me see that im not alone in this and I can do!

    Please feel free to add me and hopefully we can support each other! Xxx
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    I'm 46 and was diagnosed with PCOS in August. I'm on 50mg of Spironolactone daily.

    Gafford101- you mentioned that PCOS and carbs aren't good together. Did you're doctor tell you how many to eat, my endo did tell me a percentage or how many grams- just said to cutout sugar, white stuff like bread, potatoes, rice, etc. any help would be greatly appreciated!
  • SezLennox
    SezLennox Posts: 8 Member
    "I always look up the menu online before I go to the restaurant. That way once I'm there I don't need to look at the menu and I can just order. I look at the nutrition info and just choose what fits best into my day then. :)"

    Online menu! Genius, I never think to look online for menus and nutrition values, I just get frustrated trying to scroll through MFP entries trying to find something similar. This is going to change my life :smiley:B)

    Also, best best best of luck as you TTC! Hopefully your cycles improving is really encouraging and a big high five on your 14lbs down!!!

  • SezLennox
    SezLennox Posts: 8 Member
    caseyhaar wrote: »
    Weekends are the most difficult for me. We like to go out to dinner and have a few drinks on the weekends. I find that those extra calories really destroy all that I have worked for over the week.

    Yes! It really can ruin a whole week of progress and that's why I don't include "cheat days" in general. Weekends can be too tempting/lacking in routine haha :#

    It sounds like you've found your rhythm and have a good plan in place, good luck!!! Keep us posted xxx
  • gafford101
    gafford101 Posts: 10 Member
    tuffgirl19 wrote: »
    I'm 46 and was diagnosed with PCOS in August. I'm on 50mg of Spironolactone daily.

    Gafford101- you mentioned that PCOS and carbs aren't good together. Did you're doctor tell you how many to eat, my endo did tell me a percentage or how many grams- just said to cutout sugar, white stuff like bread, potatoes, rice, etc. any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Hey tuffgirl our bodies need 135g to 145g of carbs a day anything over that is helpful to get rid of, anything under that is actually harmong your metabolism

    Good luck and hope that helps...stick with fruits, veggies, and whole grains and youll be ok