kanebrewer88 Member


  • Motivation here! im game added
  • support here, welcome aboard, added o/
  • Heya, sounds like your a walking legend, GJ added
  • Frustratingly true.. -_- Have you considered doing lamp posts? Jog to a lamp post, walk to next, jog keep rotating. Good way to get your body used to jogging.
  • lol im game, sorta need the same, spesh as ive had a "SHIIIIIITT!!!!!" day lol..
  • Actually, I pay taxes, I have to right as a citizen to democratically vocalize my opinion how they are spent. My country has free national health, people not looking after themselves affects how much I pay in taxes and/or what alternate services I recieve. Good luck finding a country in the world that is unhappy with the…
  • haha! well the average recommended is 2000-2500 depending on size/sex? make it simple, if its 1000 calories, up the price. Pizza was just an example. Ready Meals in general in the UK are packed full of salt and sugar which if not moderated can attribute heart problems & diabetes. The time vs putting a Ready Meal in the…
  • In the UK where every nationals health is paid for by the Tax payer YES Absolutely!! Unfortunately people are too ignorant to understand the importance of a healthy diet, ussually those people are the ones on benefits or in low wages. Make foods that as a product as a whole, add up to HALF or MORE of your daily calorie…
  • I understand what your saying pal, moderation, but your just baiting on grounds of technicallity, so all im gonna say is, you go eat your jar of peanut butter and starve. Ill eat three square meals, be full and be well below my daily calorie intake. oh and go read up on candida. you'd be surprised.
  • OK mate, you eat your 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, ill eat my 2x poached eggs with a side of chopped tomatoes and ill be full, and still be below your calorie intake. Maybe were on different levels ladys and gents, I thought the point of NOT BEING HUNGRY whilst dieting, was eating food that gives you the most quantity…
  • Yeah I love bread, but its fattening, thats why I hate it. lol :D that said you should really read up on candida, its one of the stealth metabolism killers most prominent today, most people havent got a clue about it. Yeast + sugar = *kitten*.! :)
  • erm no, I said "boil the lentils, then in a seperate pan boil the veg". I kinda thought this was self explanitory. I mean who eats raw lentils O_o Okay, for the sake of arguement, its more calories then two slices of bread, it but damn well aint less then a sandwhich with a filling, and 2+ grams of fat is worse then a bowl…
  • Kinda disagree on the "your body requires fat" arguement. The very reason your on a diet is because you've got too much fat in your body. Let your body use that.
  • 660 calories??? Where are you getting your info from? 230 calories. Bread around 90 calories. so 180 total. Then add your 2 grams of FAT. Then you've got butter? I mean everyone adds butter right? 1 TBLSP butter 90 odd calories. your over. Whats your filling? becuase unless its just lettuce, tomatoes and onion, your going…
  • Haha, well Its common knowledge girls check eachother out more then they do us blokes so im sure that'll workout :D .. Fair one, it is difficult for lasses as there isnt much emphasis on muscle growth and its mostly on cardio, idk what to suggest other then to join the blokes in the free weights area. :) That said, I found…
  • Each to their own matey, all I know I look at quantity per calorie. Two ladles of soup is by mass, MORE then two slices of bread. And has less fat & calories BEFORE even adding a sandwhich filling. OP is talking about being hungry, providing solutions here pal. Somehow I dont think "go eat a sandwhich" is a solution.
  • Indeed lentils contain carbs, which is why I say, take out the potatoes as your already getting enough. That said, a full bowl of soup has the same carbs as two slices of bread, no where near the same fat (infact none), and its three times more filling. Lesser of evils eh :)
  • Personally, i'd try and find a way to get to the gym and ask a trainer to put together a workout regime. Not only is the advice going to excel your initial progress but I find seeing other fit people around me makes me set the bar higher and pushes my competitiveness, stops me just settling half way through a diet. Also…
  • Can I suggest Lentil & Vegetable soup as a great dinner? Not that shop bought shite, which is full of sugars, salt & E numbers, home made stuff. one cup of red lentils boil in the pan, they thicken up. boil vegetables in another pan, avoid potatoes (too much carbs/sugar), broccoli, leeks, carrots, onions, garlic, make it…